
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Questions 6

Questions and Answers at Shaykh Saleh ibn Ghanam as-Sadlaan’s house [May Allaah Preserve him]

9/7/1432 - 10/6/2011

Questioner: Shaykh, is it permissible for one who has done Hijrah for the sake of Allaah, intending to leave the land of Kufr and come to the land of Tawheed, like Saudi Arabia, to return to his home country, the country of Kufr for more than three days?

Shaykh Saleh: No, this is not permissible

1) Questioner: What I mean Oh Shaykh, is that this person needs to go back, not to reside but for a reason, such as visiting his family or gaining a Iqama [a visa that guarentees permanent residency in Saudi Arabia] etc?

Shaykh Saleh: Haven’t you already got an Iqama?

Questioner: No I haven’t but some of us have...

Shaykh Saleh: If you have an Iqama then there is no need for you to go back, reside here...

Questioner: Yes Oh Shaykh, but the company is sending me back to gain my Iqama which can take up to four weeks and others who have Iqamas want to visit there families?

Shaykh Saleh: If this is the case, that you intend to return then there is no harm, you can stay there for three days or even more, ten days or fifteen days, like this.

2) Question: What do you recommend for the beginner to study, books of Fiqh or Hadeeth?

Shaykh Saleh: Learn from the books of Fiqh, this is better. I say this because it has hadeeth in it so both are included and if you want to know more about hadeeth after then you can refer to them after or if you want to know about a particular hadeeth then you can go to the books of hadeeth for further learning.

3) Question: Are those who follow the madhabs and stick by them considered as partisans or be accused of creating groups?

Shaykh Saleh: No, this is not the case. The followers of the madhabs are following the Sunnah in one way or another, either they are following the Sunnah directly or following the interpretation of the Sunnah via a scholar they have chosen to follow so this cant be considered as creating sects. But what we should do is follow the Sunnah without sticking to a particular madhab.

4) Question: Shaykh, what do you recommend for us to do in Ramadan, busy ourselves in reading the Quran or spend our time memorising it?

Shaykh Saleh: The matter is a broad scope. We should spend our time doing what is suitable for us but if one is able to strike a balance between the two then this is better.

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