
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Questions 1

Questions asked to Shaykh Salih ibn Muhammad al-Luhaydan [May Allaah Preserve him]
Questioner: Is the correct way to stand in Salaah toe-to-toe?
Shaykh Saleh: No because the Sunnah tells us that the people should stand in a straight line without one being ahead of the other. The chests of those lining up should be all level and in line. By doing foot-to-foot this objective is not achieved, as the lengths of peoples feet vary and so do their toes so if we line up using their feet and toes then the chests will not be line. Therefore we should line up using out shoulders and ankles so that the line is in order.

Questioner: A person has gained a visa to enter a country which states that the person visiting shall not work, is it permissible for him to work without the authorities not knowing?
Shaykh Saleh: No it is not permissible, he must abide by the condition set.

Questioner: Is it permissible to wear a bracelet made out of metal which has been proven by science to have a positive medical effect or is considered as Tamaaim?
Shaykh Saleh: The medical effects of certain types of metal have not been proven. People have been saying for over 100 years that certain types of metals help the body but this is not proven so it should be avoided.
Questioner: If a non-Muslim has a negative impression of Islam due to negative stereotypes from the media or from Muslims, who are not preaching the correct message, so he rejects Islam, would this person be excused and be considered as one of those who didn’t receive the message of Islam on the Day of Judgement?
Shaykh Saleh: If the person refrained from Shirk then they may be excused, “And We never punish until We have sent a Messenger (to give warning).” [Isra 17: 15] but if they committed shirk then they will not be excused as their no excuse to commit shirk, it’s against the intellect and Allaah doesn’t forgive Shirk.
[Lesson 7, Kitaab Tahweed; Jumada al-Awwal, 19, 1432/Saturday 23 April 2011]

Questions asked to Dr. Shaykh Wasi-Ullah ibn Muhammad al-Abbaas [May Allaah Preserve him]
Questioner: Is it permissible to show cartoons that display animals talking and doing acts that are not natural to them or is this considered as lying?
Shaykh Wasiullah: Yes it is permissible because it is for the sake of learning and it is not considered as lying.

Questioner: Is it permissible for one who owes fasts from previous years to pay the expiation for them if they find it difficult to keep those fast?
Shaykh Wasiullah: No, because the person has a responsibility to make them up and if they are unable the responsibility will pass over to those who inherit from them. They then will have the choice to pay the expiation from the money they have left behind or make up the fasts on their behalf but they are not allowed to pay the expiation if they are alive and able to make up the fasts, as making up fasts have to be made and expiation is not allowed for fasts that are Qadaa.
[Jumaada al-Akhira, 1, 1432/Wednesday 4th April 2011, 12:28 PM]

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