
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Chapter: The evidence that the blood of one who aims to seize other people's wealth without right may be shed, if he is killed he will be in the fire, and the one who is killed defending his property is a martyr

Abu Huraira reported:
A person came to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and said: Messenger of Allah, what do you think if a man comes to me in order to appropriate my possession? He (the Holy Prophet) said: Don't surrender your possession to him. He (the inquirer) said: If he fights me? He (the Holy Prophet) remarked: Then fight (with him). He (the inquirer) again said: What do you think if I am killed? He (the Holy Prophet) observed: You would be a martyr. He (the inquirer) said: What do you think of him (Messenger of Allah) If I kill him. He (the Holy Prophet) said: he would be in the Fire.

-Shaheed is called a shaheed because people and angels witness for him, or he has proof such as his blood, or he himself be a witness above others this was suggest bed Azhari.
-Shaheed is of three types: Dunyaa and Akhirah, just the Aakhirah such as the Mabtoon and Mat'oon and just the Dunyaa such as those who took from the booty these people will be martyrs in the Dunya but deficient in the Akhirah
-Jamhoor say we can't fight if it's over something little
-The Jamhoor say it's a Wajib to fight in order to protect oneself 
-The Jamhoor say it's Wajib to defend your family
-Nawawi states is Jaai'z defend one's property but not Wajib, because the Prophet saying don't give it him means it's not a must that you give it to him, but it Haram for you to give it.

Sharh Sahih Muslim, 2/182-186

Monday, February 26, 2018

Minor Sign of the Hour – The Massacre of Ghouta, Shaam

It is narrated on the authority of Abu ad-Darda (may Allah be Pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Camps of the Muslims will gather on the Day of al-Malhamah at al-Ghouta, next to a city which is known as Dimishq (Damascus) and they are from the best of people in Shaam.”

Reported Abu Dawud in his Sunnan (4298), Ahmad in his Musnad (21218), Hakim in his Mustadarak (8543) who classed it as Sahih on the conditions of both al-Bukhari and Muslim but they didn’t report it.

The Location of Ghouta?

It says in ‘Awn al-Ma’bood (3/317):

Ghouta is a place known for being rich in natural water and luscious trees and it situated next to Damascus.

Al-‘Alqami said, “This Hadith is proof for the virtue of Damascus and the virtue of those who live there towards the end of times, as it will be a fortress against the tribulations that will occur.”

Also from the virtues of al-Ghouta is that the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) visited it before his Prophethood (on trade visits to the region), he also went there as part of the Tabuk expedition and also on the night of al-Isra - this is what al-Azizi says in Sharh al-Jami’ as-Sagheer. End quote.

Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbas al-Badr (may Allah Preserve him) said:

“Camps of the Muslims”: meaning, the Muslims will have power at that time against their enemy in Shaam.

“on the Day of al-Malhamah at the place of al-Ghouta”: Ghouta is a place next to Damascus and still has this name until present day Shaam.

[Sharh Sunnan Abu Dawood (Tape 483)]

Who are the People Described Fighting There?

Shaykh Hamood at-Tuwayjiri said:

This (above) report was classed as Sahih by al-Hakim and adh-Dhahabi agreed with him in his Talkhis.

In these Ahadith we have proof that the peak of the ‘Victorious Group’ will be in Shaam towards the end of time and it will occur under a Caliphate. This group will remain in Shaam until the wind takes their soul, and they will be the group that upholds the truth in that region until the time of their death arrives. The wind will then take the soul of every single member of the group, those who have Eman in their heart as other narrations have the wording, “They will remain there until the Hour arrives.” Mu’adh bin Jabal (the narrator of this added wording) said, “This refers to the Victorious Group in Shaam”.

As for the times we live in now, this Victorious Group is yet to gather in Shaam and are currently dispersed between different countries and different locations. End quote from Ithaf al-Jam’ah (1/332-334).

Imam An-Nawawi said, “It is likely that the Victorious Group are not located in one location (up until that point of the Battle of Malhamah).” End quote from Sharh Sahih Muslim (5/58-59).

What is the Malhamah (The Armageddon)[1]?

It says in ‘Awn al-Ma’bood (3/311-315):

The Malhamah will occur when the Romans will say they were victorious because of the cross (after a battle with a party of the Jews but before the coming of the Dajjal) and then will raise wooden crosses, supplicating to ‘Esa whilst making images of him. From them, some of them will say that they have been made victorious because of the cross, meaning that the coalition of the Muslim and Christians was only successful against (a party of the Jews) ‘because of their Christians beliefs’; what they mean by this statement is to signify an end to the Muslims/Christian coalition. It may mean that they will say this to purposely enrage the Muslims. 

The Muslims will disagree and seek to break the cross and a war between the Romans and Muslims will break out. The coalition between them will be nullified and both armies will gather for the Malhamah (or an Armageddon) war. The battle will continue and Ibn Kathir said the battle will continue for six years and ad-Dajjal will come out in the seventh.

Has the Malhamah Arrived?

Al-Qurtubi (may Allah have Mercy on him) said, “It is extremely important for us to point out, when discussing the events that lead up to the Hour, is that whatever the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) informed us of the tribulations that will occur and the events he mentioned, must be believed. However, specifying it to a particular time (or generation) would need evidence. The time that the Hour will be established, as well as its signs, is not known except to Allah. None knows what month or year it will occur in. All we know is that the actual Hour will be established on a Friday, but as to which Friday? Then this remains unknown except to Allah Alone. The same applies to the signs of the Hour. And Allah Knows best” (at-Tathkirah 1222-1223)

Shaykh Siddiq Hasan Khan said, “There have been many wars with bloodshed and huge tribulations but none (of these narrations about the Hour) can be specified to any particular generation. The knowledge of this Hour and when it will occur is hidden with Allah, the Glorified, with His Knowledge. Man doesn’t know when it will occur and only comes to know of it except after it occurs and are able to cross-reference the events with the narrations.” (Ajbad al-‘Uloom (2/518)

May Allah end the trials faced by the Muslims in this Ummah, bring the oppressors to justice, spread peace and harmony in the world and return us to our religion wholeheartedly.

And Allah Knows best.

[1] TN: The Armageddon seems to be an innovated Christian belief that didn’t exist in the Old Testament. For many modern Christians, it refers to the Second Coming and the belief that Christianity will overcome all. For this reason, this disclaimer is important – the use of Armageddon is only to serve translations purposes.

The Pledge of ‘Aqaba [Part 23]

As the Prophet continued to call people to Islaam, during the Hajj season he was approached by a small group of six men from al-Madeenah. All of them were from Khazraj. They immediately accepted Islaam once the Prophet explained Tawheed to them and returned to al-Madeenah agreeing to believe in him and calling others to Islaam.

Through them, Islam was being propagated in al-Madeenah to the extent that each household had someone who was a Muslim within them.

The following year during the Hajj season, the same six men accompanied by two other men from al-Aws. They gave the Prophet Ba’yah in order to believe and support (Ba’yah usually refers to political allegiance and an alliance of death, but the first allegiance was for service and not fighitng).

When the party left Makkah, the Prophet placed ‘Amr bin Umm Maktoom and Mu’sab bin ‘Umayr to call people to Islaam and teach the Quraan.

Their Da’wah was successful and many accepted Islaam. In the depths of the night, during the Days of Tashreeq on the 13th year after Bi’tha, and as the people performing Hajj slept, the Prophet secretly met with 73 men and 2 women and the second Ba’yah of ‘Aqbah was established.

This Bay’ah signaled the beginning of the Hijrah, and the Prophet allowed for Muslims within Makkah to migrate to al-Madeenah. The first to leave were women and children and then large groups migrated thereafter.

Once they all moved to al-Madeenah, there remained only a few until only the Prophet, Abu Bakr and Ali remained. The Muslims there waited patiently for news of the Prophets imminent migration. 

 commentary to follow...

Friday, February 23, 2018

Domesticated Donkeys are Impure [Part 31]

Domesticated donkeys are impure. [end of text]

This doesn’t include wild donkeys (like zebras) because they are permitted to eat, thus being pure.
Domestic donkeys are Haram to eat, thus are impure as it appears in the Hadith of Anas, as the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] told Abu Talha to make the announcement on the Day of Khaybar, ‘Allah and His Messenger have forbidden you from eating the meat of donkeys, because they are impure’.

ash-Sharh al-Mumti, 1/460-461

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Chapter: Warning of the Fire for the one who swears a false oath in order to unlawfully take the right of another muslim

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Umama that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) observed:
He who appropriated the right of a Muslim by (swearing a false) oath, Allah would make Hell-fire necessary for him and would declare Paradise forbidden for him. A person said to him: Messenger of Allah, even if it is something insignificant? He (the Holy Prophet) replied: (Yes) even if it is the twig of the arak tree.

-Allah being Angered with them when meeting Him is specific for the believers. It's a sin against the Kuffaar but this text is for the believers, Qaadhee.
-Jamhoor say  the ruling if the Qaadhee is not binding if he makes a mistake in making something Halaal, indifferent to the view of the Hanafis who say it becomes Halaal for him. 
-the proof is upon the claimant and Yameen upon the one who denies
-if he has no proof then he makes Yameen and it's accepted even if he is Faasiq
-the man inherited so this needs no proof 

Sharh Sahih Muslim, 2/176-182

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Five Prayers [Part 22]

Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaq gives separate benefits to the legislation of Salaat:

-It was revealed personally without any intermediary from Jibril, as he was sent all the way up to the highest point possible for it to be legislated.
Secondly, the fact that it was legislated at this particular station shows the literal lofty status and importance as-Salaat has with Allaah.

-He was obligated to pray fifty times initially but Moosaa advised for the Prophet to seek to have it reduced as it will be hard for the Ummah. It was reduced in tens and then five until the Prophet left it at 5 times a day.

-It’s the most important pillar of Islaam after Tawheed and it is a reoccurring theme in the events of Israa and Mi’raaj, he led the Prophets in prayer and was raised up to the heavens for it to be obligated upon the Ummah.

-Some people don’t preserve the prayer and don’t give it its due importance. The best of these lazy people pray but don’t pray with proper attention and care. However, the Salat will be a light on the Day of Judgement and as it occurs in the Hadith, those who don’t pray will be raised with the evillest of creation – Fir’awn, Hamaan, Qaaroon and Ubay bin Khalaf. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

Wild Birds are Impure [Part 30]

Wild birds are impure. [end of text]

Birds which are predators, such as eagles, and are bigger than cats are all impure.

ash-Sharh al-Mumti, 1/460

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Chapter: Clarifying the Waswasah (Whispers, Bad Thoughts) with regard to faith, and what the one who experiences that should say

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that some people from amongst the Companions of the Apostle (ﷺ) came to him and said:
Verily we perceive in our minds that which every one of us considers it too grave to express. He (the Holy Prophet) said: Do you really perceive it? They said: Yes. Upon this he remarked: That is the faith manifest.
-Muslim put the Hadeeth of the companions worried before general Waswasah as fearing for ones Eman is perfection of Eman
-Shaytan whispers and creates doubts in those who are weak
-As for the Kaafir, he sways them as he pleases
-Shubuhaat is of two types: that which is personal - this one a person must refute within himself. The other one is where Shaytaan tries to create doubts in matters of the religion in this they must refute such doubts with evidences and ration.

Sharh Sahih Muslim, 2/171-176

Monday, February 12, 2018

Going from Masjid al Aqsa to the heavens – al-Mi’raaj [Part 21]

After leading the Prophet’s in prayer at al-Aqsa, he was then taken up to the heavens which is known as the Mi’raaj. He went past all the stages of the heavens until he reached as-Sidraa al-Muntaha. At each level of Jannah, he met a Prophet and on this night he saw Prophet Jibril again in his true form. It was on this night that the five obligatory prayers were legislated.

The following morning he told his nation about the events and it was a difficult test for the Prophet and the Muslims.

The disbelievers mocked and ridiculed him in disbelief. The journey from Makkah to Palestine wold usually take two months and added to this the Prophet was claiming that he went up to the highest point of the heavens.

-As the event of Israa symbolises the honour given to the lands of Makkah and Palestine, the event of al-Mi’raaj shows the honour that Allaah gave to the Prophet Muhammad. None had this special virtue of being taken up the heavens and meeting Allaah and directly speaking to Him there.
This is proof that relief comes after testing times, and the form of relief will always compensate the hardships one has faced substantially.

-Before he was lifted up to the heavens, his chest was casted open and his heart physically removed and purified for a second time in his life. Jibril descended and washed his heart with Zam Zam water and filled his heart with Hikmah and Emaan. All of this was preparation for the journey and what he was about to witness and the meeting with Allaah.

-Every door of the heavens was opened for him and at every level he met a Prophet. The meeting of the prophet was in their shape of their souls as their bodies are still in their graves, except for ‘Esaa. He met ‘Esaa in body and soul.

-He ascended to the highest point of Jannah which is known as the Sidrah al-Muntaha, biggest nothing from the creation of Allaah can go past this point.

-He saw Jibril twice in his true form, once when he became a Messenger and Surah al-Mudatthir was revealed and again on the night of Mi’raaj, as  Surah an-Najm explains.

-The true sight of Jibril was absolutely awesome, his sheer size fills the horizon and his power and beauty is exemplified in him having 600 wings. 

Friday, February 09, 2018

Wild Animals are Impure [Part 29]

Wild animals are impure. [End of text]

Predators, such as wolves, tigers, leopards etc. are predators which are bigger than cats are all impure.

ash-Sharh al-Mumti, 1/460

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Chapter: Allah allows a person's thoughts and whatever occurs in his heart so long as they do not become established

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) observed:
Verily Allah forgave my people the evil promptings which arise within their hearts as long as they did not speak about them or did not act upon them.
-Qaadhee al-Iyyad said if a person intentionally thinks about something bad, then he is sinful. Likewise, if he has a firm intent to do something bad, this is one sin (because the thinking has become a separate action to the actual action itself). If he does it then this is a second sin but if he doesn't out of fear of Allaah then it's written as a reward. 

-Al-Qaadhee also said about the Hadeeth of multiplying rewards from ten to seven hundred, that one action has so much reward, how is it possible that someone would want to miss out on such a virtue? It's only those who've had their sins multiply to the extent it has overcome them and has led to their destruction who are neglectful. 

-Marwardee said 700 times is not limited rather it can be multiplied even further.

And Allah Knows best.

Sharh Sahih Muslim, 2/168-171

Monday, February 05, 2018

Going from Makkah to Masjid al Aqsa – The Israa’ [Part 20]

The Prophet was taken from the house of his aunt Umm Haani’ in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsa in Palestine.

Late at night, Jibril descended with an animal called al-Buraaq – it was white and was bigger than a donkey but smaller than a horse. Al-Buraaq could cover a great deal of distance in a short space of time, one step would be that of the distance of which the eye could see.

At Masjid al-Aqsa he led the souls of the Prophets in prayer and then was lifted up to the heavens, which is known as the Mi’raaj.

-This event symbolizes the places of honour given to Allaah to Makkah and the previous Qiblah, Masjid al-Aqsa. To the extent that none is allowed to partake a journey of special worship except for one of the three Masjid: al-Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, the Prophet’s Masjid in al-Madeenah and Masjid al-Aqsa in Palestine.

-It also symbolizes the special virtue of the Prophet as he led all the other Prophet’s in prayer, being their Imaam. 

Friday, February 02, 2018

Leftovers After Eating from a Vessel from Domesticated Animals are Pure [Part 28]

Leftovers of cats and anything lesser than it, in domesticated animals, are pure. [End of text]

Leftovers refers to anything that the animal has eaten and has left over or shared a vessel to eat from.

The proof for this is the Hadith, ‘They are not impure, they are animals that are domesticated around you.’

The word ‘around you’ refers to humans frequently sharing vessels with them.

The statement here also shows that there is an analogy between cats and anything smaller than it in domesticated animals, as the Prophet told us that this was the reason for lenience in the ruling, thus any other animal which lives amongst us also takes the same ruling.

However, whatever the Shariah has not included then they don’t carry the same ruling, such as dogs. Dogs are domesticated however their leftovers are impure.

ash-Sharh al-Mumti, 1/458-460