
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Al-Uthaymeen: If you Don't Give Thanks...


The favour of security - if you don't give thanks for it, it will be replaced with fear. 

The favour of provisions - if you don't give thanks for it, it will be replaced with hunger. 

Likewise, the favour of religion - if you don't give thanks for it, it will be replaced with Kufr.

-Shaykh Muhammad bin Saaleh al-Uthaymeen (may Allah have Mercy on him) 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Al-Uthaymeen: None is Assisted to Them Except a Few

Until you are certain, that the matter is about assistance from Allah.

Look at the most simpliest Adhkar (remembrances) - they are from the easiest forms of obedience (and good deeds), however, none is assisted to them except for a few. 

-Shaykh Muhammad bin Saaleh al-Uthaymeen (Allah have Mercy on him) 

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Abu Bakr al-Warraaq (d. 240): Be Patient with Your Family!


Abu Bakr al-Warraaq (d.240) said:

كانت لي بنت مبتلاة، وكان لها نحو عشر سنين، قال: وكنت أتمنى موتها فماتت،

I had a daughter who was tested with a disability and she was like this for around ten years. I once said, “I wished she just died” and then she died.

قال: فأريتها فِي النوم وكأن القيامة،

He said, "I then saw her in my dream, as if she was standing and the Day of Judgement was taking place.

قامت وكأن صبيانا يأخذون بأيدي آبائهم فِيدخلونهم الجنة،

She stood up as if she was one of those children who would take the hand of her parent and lead them to Jannah.

قال: فقلت لبنتي: خذي بيدي ادخليني الجنة،

So I said to my daughter, 'Take my hand and lead me to Jannah.'

قال: فقالت لي: لا أنت كنت تتمنى موتي!

She said to me, 'No, you wished for my death.'”

Tareekah Baghdaad, 6/212