
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Questions 18 [Correction to the Final Question]

Questions asked to Shaykh Saleh ibn Ghanam as-Sadlaan [May Allaah Preserve him] in his Masjid after Salaat al-'Asr
9/2/1433 – 3/1/2012

Question: Is it permissible to vote, during democratic elections, for innovators, even though it would be for the betterment of the Muslims?
Answer: It is not permissible to vote for innovators during elections; rather the opposite. We should abandon the people of innovation and align ourselves with those who have Eeman and Taqwa because if these innovators gain power, they may think they are doing something good for Islam and the Muslims and they may even get the people to follow them in this or command them to do it. If there is a party or a group of people that have the ‘Aqeedah as-Salafiyyah, then voting for these innovators may also cause them to disappoint the people of the truth, as the people of truth have neither political say nor any status. 

Question: Is it permissible for us to organise parties in order to give Da’wah to the Kuffaar and/or raise money for the poor?
Answer: Giving Da’wah to the Kuffar is a right upon every Muslim; they are entrusted to convey the Message of Allaah. Allaah, the Exalted and Glorified, says;

O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message” [Maaidah 5:67]

So we are entrusted to give Da’wah as we have inherited this light and this guidance, so we must help them to convey this message to everyone.

Questioner: Even by using parties?
Shaykh Saaleh: Even by using parties, any means you have to give Da’wah that will be beneficial for the Kuffar to hear the message or that which is needed for them to hear the message; then you must use it.

Questioner: Does this permissibility include raising funds for the poor?
Shaykh Saaleh: Yes, this is permissible and rewarding if the persons intention is correct. This is on the condition that the money must be raised in a Halaal manner and that we are not allowed to gain this money in a Haraam way and then say ‘Oh, I intend to give it in Sadaqah anyway’, this is not permissible.

Question: Is it permissible to do an act of innovation for the sake of worldly gain but not for the sake of worship?
Answer: This is not permissible, this is because people who made innovations or fabricated Ahaadeeth into the religion had this same sort of mind set, they would say that this innovation isn’t part of the religion but its purpose and my intention is to spread good. Rather we should do good deeds and stick to doing it, as there is no doubt that the people who follow the truth will have people who accept the truth from them or reject what they say. If someone does something good and then people find out and they start taking about it, then there is no harm in this as there is benefit behind it.

Question: Is it permissible for a person to make his wedding dowry to teach her a Surah from the Quraan, even if the man is rich?
Answer: Yes, it is permissible. The Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] instructed the man to give as little as an iron ring as a dowry but he was poor and couldn’t give a ring but he [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] then told the man to teach her a Surah from the Quraan, and that would be their dowry. This is from the best types of dowry.

Question: Is it sufficient for a person to intend to do Wudhoo and dip himself into water, would this Wudhoo be counted?
Answer: If the person comes out of the water after doing this with his whole body being wet and not dry, then this will be counted. For example, if a person has some water in front of him and he puts his head in, then this is counted as washing the face. Then he puts his arm in and then takes it out wet, then this is counted as washing the arm, then he puts his foot in and then takes it out, this is counted as washing the foot etc.

Questioner: Oh Shaykh, but if a person dips his whole body into water and not the limbs, will this be sufficient?
Shaykh Saaleh: There is no harm in this on the condition that his whole body comes out whilst it is wet. So if there is a lot of water, he has the intention then he should put his head in, then his arm, then his foot etc.

Question:  This a question from a woman; are the children of my uncle Mahram to me?

Answer: No they are not a Mahram for you because it is permissible for you to marry him or for him to marry your children.

Questioner: Oh Shaykh, what is the evidence for this?

Shaykh Saaleh: This is because those who qualify as being Mahram have been stated; they are your father, your son, your brother, your grandfather etc. anything out of these then they are not a Mahram

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