
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Questions 16

Questions asked to Shaykh Saleh ibn Ghanam as-Sadlaan [May Allaah Preserve him] in his Masjid after Salaat al-'Asr

17/1/1433 - 13/12/2011

Question: The questioner is asking [May Allaah rectify his affairs]; I know my brother is practising black magic; do I cut ties with her?

Answer: No, you keep ties with her. Hopefully by keeping ties with her you may be able to guide her to Islam and she may leave her magic and other kufr that she may be upon.

Questioner: May Allaah grant you good, connected to this the person is asking in regards to his family, his wife and children. He fears harm from his mother that the black magic may afflict them, is it permissible for him to distance them from this mother?

Shaykh Saleh: It is permissible for them to live far away and not to be and mix with the mother in-law; this is in order to prevent any difficulties from occurring.

Question: Is there a hadeeth or an narration from the Salaf to support any form of congregational supplication after obligatory prayers?

Answer: No! This is an act of innovation.

Question: Is it permissible to sleep naked under a blanket?

Answer: If one sleeps under a blanket, even with no clothes on, he is not considered as being naked because he is covered.

Question: May Allah grant you good, the questioner is asking that in our city there are many people who perform Takfeer, their corruption now is affecting the youth, how can we prevent them from spreading?

Answer: To distance yourself from them and not to mix with them, and the youth should be told to stay away from them and move to another area if possible.

Question: May Allaah grant you with good, the questioner is asking; I entered the Masjid and I found that the obligatory prayer in congregation for the Fajr prayer had ended. So I started to pray by myself. Not long after, another congregation started. Would it be permissible for me to take steps towards them in order to join that congregation?

Answer: Yes he should complete the prayer with them, if the congregation is not far away then it is permissible for him to take two or three steps in order to join them, there’s no harm in this.

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