
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Questions 4

Question and Answers with Shaykh Wasee-Ullaah ibn Muhammad al-‘Abbaas [May Allaah preserve him and cure his leg]

13th Jumada Akhira 1432 - 16th May 2011 at 16.06 PM

Question: Shaykh, are we allowed to study Fiqh under one who has an Ikhwaanee Manhaj?

Answer: No, this is not permissible because the person who has an Ikhwaanee manhaj is not to be trusted so the person is not trustworthy, this includes Fiqh.

Question:  Is it permissible to wipe the face after making Dua’a with your hands?

Answer: No, this is not permissible because there is no authentic narration to prove this act.

Questioner: But Shaykh there are scholars from Ahl al-Hadeeth who permitted it…

Shaykh: They permitted it based on false understanding but the correct view is that there is nothing authentic in this regard.

Question: If a person has two houses and he travels from one house to another, when does he shorten and combine his prayers?

Answer: He shortens and combines his prayer whilst he travelling but when he leaves and reaches his destination he is not considered to be a traveller because having two houses means he is resident in two places

Questioner: Shaykh, but what if one travelled to his second house thinking he was a traveller so he shortened his prayers, does he need to repeat them?

Shaykh: He should estimate how many he has missed and it is better for him to make them up if possible.

Question: I have read in Rudd al-Mukhtaar that the Imaam shouldn’t sit for too long once completing the prayer, is this correct?

Answer: No, this is not correct. It is proven from the regular actions of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah are upon him] that he would sit and face the people and do his Adhkaar after the Salaah, make Tasbeeh and complete his Adkhaar such as reciting Ayaat al-Kursee etc. It is also affirmed in the Sunnah that he would sit until sunrise remembering Allaah after the Fajr prayers and would move after sunrise. He would also sit for a lengthy period after Asr prayer, in both these times he would remember Allaah by the prescribed morning and evening remembrances. So sitting for a long period of time is proven in the Sunnah and it is no problem if the Imaam does this.

Questioner: Shaykh, but I have recently read narrations from some of the Companions [Allaah be Pleased with them all], such as Aboo Bakr and Ibn Umar in Musannaf Abee Shaybah that they would dislike sitting for a lengthy time after Salah, is this correct?

Shaykh: I don’t not recall anything like this from the book mentioned or anything elsewhere to suggest that they disliked sitting for a lengthy time.

Question: Can girls or women wear tights?

Answer: It is better for women not to wear this because it is tight so it shows the shape of their body and it transparent so I do not think that they should wear these things. It is better for her to wear something that is more concealing.

Questioner: Shaykh, what if she wears them under a dress of a Jilbaab?

Shaykh: This should be fine but it still better to wear something more concealing because the Jilbaab may get lifted.

Questioner: Yes Shaykh, but what is the ruling of wiping over them for Wudhoo?

Shaykh: Wiping over them is OK[1].

Question: What is your opinion on Anwar Shah Kashmiri and Nafasi, as we have heard Shaykh Abd al-Kareem al-Khudayr saying that there is benefit in some of their explanations?

Answer: No we cannot benefit from them.

Questioner: Yes Shaykh, Shaykh Abd al-Kareem recommended them but the questioner is asking how can they be recommended as their Aqeedah was incorrect, their Manhaj was incorrect and they did Taqleed in Fiqh?

Shaykh: Yes, this is it. We cannot benefit from such people. Nafasi has his own tafsir in which he shows his misguided Aqeedah and in hadith he has twisted many things, all because he wanted to support his own Madhab, so avoid him.

Questioner: What about Anwar Shah Khasmiri?

Shaykh: Same thing, avoid him.

Question: Do you recommend us to read the book ‘Hidaayah Sari ila Diraasa al-Bukhaaree’ by Imdaad al-Haqq al-Bangladeshi?

Shaykh: I don’t know because I have not read this book and I don’t know this man. I don’t know this man’s Manhaj so I can’t comment but I will say that books likes these usually have misguided commentary in the footnotes without them directly changing the words of the scholar.

[1] TN: I forgot to ask the Shaykh about socks or tights that are thin and the skin can be seen through them, but the answer to this question has already been answered by many other major contemporary scholars who say that we can’t if the skin can be seen through them

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