
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Conditions for accepting another Muslims invitation

Conditions for responding to the invitation of a Muslim if they invite you:
1) The person inviting you must be Muslim.
2) The invitation must be specific to you and not general, e.g. addressing a group of people.
3) The person who invites you must not be one who you are  abandoning [Hajr] from. Please pay attention here, doing Hajr can’t be done to just anyone, it can only be done if there is a benefit and this time period would be unlimited, however if there is no benefit in doing Hajr then we are not allowed to do this.
4) The person inviting you must not be inviting you to do something Haraam.
5) The place we are invited to, must not have Haraam activities there or we must not doubt that there will be Haraam there.
6) It must be the first call, if the person invites you time and time again after you have accepted his initial invitation, then you don’t need to keep responding.
7) Some scholars said that the invitation that is Waajib for us to respond to is only the Waleemah but the correct view is that it includes all invitations because this is from right of a Muslim over his brother.
8) The person who is invited must not be harmed by going, if the person who is invited will be harmed by going then he/she must explain to the inviter and seek his permission not to attend.

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saaleh ‘Uthaymeen, tape 12b Sharh Qawaaid wa Usl al-Jaamiah wa Furooq wa Taqaaseem al-Badee’ah al-Naafi’ah

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