
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Seeking Water is Waajib before at-Tayammum (Part 10)

-It is must to seek water before performing at-Tayammum. Al-‘Uthaymeen explains that that this is Waajib. The evidence is as follows:

                -“If you do not find water” [5:6]

Uthaymeen explains that one needs to find water, and if one is negligent then they will be sinful.

A-One must seek water, or act upon what is likely. So if he doesn’t find water after seeking it, or there is no one to ask or he thinks that most likely he will not find water – only then is at-Tayammum permissible.

B-If a person forgets he has water or is able to get hold of water and performs at-Tayammum, then he must repeat his purification/prayer.

NOTE: If a person misses a pillar (Rukn) or a condition (Shurt) of an act of worship, then forgetfulness or mistake doesn’t suffice.

NOTE: In Fiqh there is a difference between acting upon what is safer (احوط) and doing what is obligatory (واجب) – the former is recommended but permissible to forego if there is a reason.

C-At-Taymmum suffices for all minor impurities, such as passing wind, passing urine and stole, sleep etc. So whatever nullifies Wudhoo also nullifies at-Tayammum and one can make up his purification with at-Tayammum as he would do with Wudhoo.

D-It is permissible to make at-Tayammum for a physical impure substance on his body. Al-Uthaymeen explains that for example a drop of urine falls on his leg and he doesn’t have water to wash it, he can use earth. This is the opinion of the Madhab, however al-Uthaymeen favours the view that at-Tayammum is only legislated for spiritual impurities (major and minor) and not to remove Nasajah.

E-If a person is imprisoned and he is unable to use water then he may make at-Tayammum. This is the opinion of the Hanablees, however al-Uthaymeen points out that some scholars have stated that at-Tayammum is only permitted if a person is travelling. Al-Uthaymeen favours the opinion of the Madhab.

And Allaah Knows Best.

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