
Monday, May 09, 2016

The Murji'ah al-Fuqahaa' [Part 26]

Some have argued that the differnece between the Murji'ah al-Fuqahaah and the school of Ahl as-Sunnah is only semantics, because Ahl as-Sunnah define actions and statements as being a part of al-Emaan, whereas the Murji'ah al-Fuqahaah state that there is a relationship between actions and al-Emaan. Plus, the beliefs of the Murji'ah al-Fuqahaah are not as bad as the contemporary Murji'ah because the Murji'ah do not pronounce Takfeer upon anyone based on their action alone, whereas the Murji'ah al-Fuqahaah state that a cease in actions necessitates a cease in al-Emaan.

Despite this argument of some, the correct stance is that the school of thought of the Murji'ah al-Fuqahaah also contradicts the texts presented above. This is purely because the texts illustrate that al-Emaan and actions are physically connected, whereas the mistake the the Murji'ah al-Fuqahaah make is that they decrease the connection to it being a mere relationship. This fine difference is in fact crucial and from it stem many differences of opinion.

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