
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Ascension to the first sky.

Ascension to the first sky.

-from the lofty manners of the Prophet on the night of Mi'raj was to ask permission before seeking to entering Jannah and its beauties.
-It's Mustahab to seek to meet pious people and get good tidings from them and hear their pieces of advice and gain their Du'a for you. 
-It's permissible to praise people to their faces if there is a benefit if they are safe from Fitnah. 
-Ibrahim leaning against Bayt al-Ma'moor is proof that it's permitted to turn ones back to the Qiblah and even lean against it, Qaadhee.
-As-Sidr al-Muntaha is a tree that where the knowledge of the Angels end (Muntaha), no one has gone past it except the Messenger of Allaah, as was stated by Ibn Mas'ood.

Sharh Sahih Muslim of an-Nawawi, 2/ 232-257

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