
Monday, October 29, 2018

The Inner-Perspectives of the Salat (Pt. 3): Wudhoo, Takbir and the Opening Dua

A summary of what Shaykh al-Islam Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have Mercy on him) explained:

-Wudhoo is purification of the inner and outward self. It includes a cleansing of sins and turning back to Allah (internal) and the washing of the physical limbs (external).

Internal actions of worship will only be sanctioned by a worshipper when he is guided to obey his lord. This will then lead to obedience to his limbs and this perfects his servitude to his Lord. This process removes pride and any form of arrogance before his Lord.

-Takbeer Ihraam signifies that the worshipper is leaving the Dunya in his prayer, that he is present in the palace of the King, declaring His Greatness above anything else. All of this shows that ultimately he has no other objective except Him.

-Dua Istiftaah (the opening Dua) involved praise and extolling of Allah. This exemplifies good manners of the servant to his Master before he asks Him for rectification for his affairs.

To be continued...

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