
Monday, October 22, 2018

The Inner-Perspectives of the Salat (Pt. 2): Importance and Virtues

A summary of what Shaykh al-Islam Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have Mercy on him) explained:

-It is the coolness of eye, it’s the benchmark of those who want to go forth with ambitions, it feeds the soul, it’s a light and strength, it expands Rizq and it protects against punishment – without any of these, the sins would weigh down the soul, starving it and the limbs. Ones pattern of thinking would follow on from his heart and soul; if the heart becomes infertile likewise the limbs will become barren.

The Wisdom of Legislated Worship
-Negligence of worship is the biggest cause of sins

-The limbs and Adhkaar confirm rectification of the heart – it goes through submissiveness and Tawbah – this can only happen if the heart is alive

-Limbs are used in three ways:
1) The one who makes a trade; he who uses them properly
2) Not using it for what it was made for.
3) They use it with ignorance, either they sin or they do good deeds but with no Ikhlas – they are dormant in action and their intention.

The Importance of Salat
-Salat is a Mercy so that we can gain Allah's Pleasure and the Akhirah.
-It is a favour that every part of out body has Ubduiyyah, but this can only benefit if the heart is there with Khushoo
-Khushoo is like the example is like a person who prepares to meet the king but when he opens the door he turns right and left.

To be continued...

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