
Sunday, June 05, 2016

Kashf al-Ma'aanee of Ibn Jama'aah - Introduction and Biography

The following series of benefits and Tafseer will be taken from the book known as ‘Uncovering the Meanings of the Quraan’ [كشف المعاني في المتشابه من المثاني] by Imaam Badr ad-Deen bin Jamaa’ah (d. 733) [Maktabah Ibn Taymiyyah].

Biography of al-Qaadhee Ibn Jamaa’ah [may Allaah have Mercy on him].

He came from a family of scholars which were all from the lineage of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him], Maalik bin Kinaanah.

He is Muhammad bin Ibraaheem bin Jamaa’ah. He was born in Shaam and studied there and then travelled to Egypt where he studied under Ibn Daqeeq al-Eid.

He was known for having a nice appear, a softness in his attitude and a pleasant recitation.

Praise from the Scholars for Ibn Jamaa’ah

Ibn Hajar [may Allaah have Mercy on him] said about him:

He was rich in intellect, he had the best of guidance, steadfast upon his religion and was frequent in worship and Dhikr of Allaah.

He was an example for others and he displayed the best of manners. His lectures were beneficial in which he would always support the truth.

He was an al-‘Allaamah of his time, a Qaadhee (judge) and a Khateeb for the Kibaar (major) of the scholars in his time.

[ad-Durar al-Kaaminah fi ‘Ayaan al-Mi’ah ath-Thaaminah (3/282)]

As-Subkee [may Allaah have Mercy on him] wrote in Tabaqaat ash-Shafiee’ah (5/230):

Extremely intelligent, a degree that even the scholars and rulers in his time combined couldn’t reach. End quote.

Ibn Katheer [may Allaah have Mercy on him] said in al-Bidaayah wa an-Nihaayah (14/163):

All of his lofty traits are a result of his leadership, his steadfastness, his piety and wishing to spread good and cease evil. End quote.

As-Suyootee said about him, “His books are astonishing.” [Bagyah al-Wi’aah (Pg. 27)]

Ibn Jamaa’ah said about himself, “I have studied over thirty disciplines in which the scholars of today have never even heard of.” [Sahthraat al-Dhahab (7/139)]

Translator's Introduction

In actuality, this book primarily explains the linguistic and grammatical secrets of the Quraan. Away from Tafseer, which is the actual meaning of the Aayaat, this book extracts many sub-benefits from the Tafseer of the Quraan and its secrets. Based on this, one can only benefit from this book if it is read and studied in Arabic, however this series seeks to expose the English reader to many of the other benefits found with it. 

I ask Allaah to make this beneficial for myself, for the Shaykh and for the Muslims in general. 

انه ولي على ذلك و القادر عليه

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