
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Chapter: Nullifiers of Wudhoo - Blood, Vomit and Puss (Part 2)

2-Anything other than urine and defecation that exits the body also nullifies. Uthaymeen explains that this of two types, that which is Taahir and that which is deemed as being Najis.
A-As for which is Taahir, such as sweat or tears, then this doesn’t nullify the Wudhoo.
B-As for what is deemed as being Najis like vomit, blood or anything other than that comes out of the two passages then this nullifies the Wudhoo if it is a lot. A small amount is overlooked. Their evidences are from the following:
-The Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] once vomited and he performed Wudhoo.
-Food that has changed within the body takes the same ruling as urine or faeces but their exists are different. So in the case of vomit, as the exit is not from the two passages, its ruling of impurity is lessened – thus if there is a lot then it nullifies Wudhoo by vomiting a little doesn’t.
Another opinion, which is the view of the Shafi’ees and another view from Imaam Ahmad, also the favoured view of Ibn Taymiyyah is that nothing invalidates the Wudhoo except what comes of the two passages. Their evidences:
                -There is no proof for things exiting the body as being a nullifiers of Wudhoo.
-Purification is based on evidences, and nothing can invalidate purification except with evidences.
In response to the evidences quoted by those who say it does nullify:
                -A mere action of the Prophet doesn’t necessarily mean that it invalidates the Wudhoo.              
-Also, there is an instance where the Prophet made Hijaamah and he didn’t repeat his Wudhoo [reported by ad-Daraqutnee (1/157) and al-Bayhaqee (1/141) and classed as weak by Ibn Hajar in al-Talkhees (no. 152)], thus proof that blood and vomit and the likes (anything other than the two passages) doesn’t invalidate Wudhoo.

This is opinion is the correct one, that anything exiting the body in other than the two passages, doesn’t nullify the Wudhoo.

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