
Saturday, December 05, 2015

The Worst Form of the Khwaarij: Those Who Entice Hatred Against the Muslims and Their Rulers

Imaam Aboo Dawood reported in Masaa’il Imaam Ahmad [may Allaah have Mercy on them both] that Imaam Ahmad said, “The Q’ad (قعد) sect of the Khwaarij are the worst of the Khwaarij.”
The famous well-known scholar of the Arabic language, Imaam az-Zubaydee said:
Al-Qa’dah are sect of the Khwaarij. They sat (Q’ad) and refused to support ‘Alee bin Abee Taalib (who the Khwaarij wanted to assassinate), however, they didn’t physically support the party that killed him either.
So the meaning of Qa’d is they do not show physical support or get involved in acts of violence.
He continued:
They are sect that propagate hate against the rulers without participating in actual war. End quote.
[Taaaj al-‘Aroos (5/195)]
Haafidh Ibn Hajar [may Allaah have Mercy on him] said:
The Qa’deeyyah are those who glorify the beliefs and the acts of the Khwaarij, propagating hate against the rulers, without actually getting involved in a physical revolution. End quote.
[Hadee as-Saaree Muqadimmah Fath al-Baaree (Pg. 459)]
He also said:
The Qa’d sect of the Khwaarij don’t believe in physical warfare and revolt against oppressive Muslim rulers, rather they spread hate and rejection of their decisions according to their ability. They call to what they think should change politically, whilst praising their Khwaarij and their doings. End quote.

[Tahtheeb at-Tahtheeb (8/114)]

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