
Monday, December 14, 2015

Affirmation of Istiwaa (Ascension) for Allaah.

-The Jahmiyyah believe that Allaah is everywhere. They deny the fact that Allaah, the Most High, is above His ‘Ursh, separate from His Creation. 

Their proof:

One of the names of Allaah is that He al-Muheet, the all-Encompassing.

Response: He is not physically all-Encompassing but is everywhere in His Knowledge. This way we refuse to believe Allaah is within His Creation, and even worse, in places of sin and impurity.

-The Asharees have coined a term that “He Exists without a place”.

Their proof:

It is He (Allah) Who is the only Ilah (God to be worshipped) in the heaven and the only Ilah on the earth” [az-Zukhruf 43:84]

Response: The meaning of this Aayah is that He is the God that is worshipped in the Heavens by the people of the Heavens and is the worthy god to be worshipped on the earth by the people of earth.

The Idea of Limiting Allaah and Resembling Him to the Creation

The people of innovation all deny Istiwaa of Allaah by claiming that affirming Allaah, the Most High, being above His ‘Ursh would necessitate that Allaah is bound by direction, thus limiting Him, the Most High.

Response: we say that Allaah is above and separate from His Creation. Thus the idea that He is bound by direction or confined in space or time is false, as space and time are both created.

The Proofs to Affirm that Allaah is above His ‘Ursh, the Most High, Above and Separate from His Creation – According to a manner that Suits His Majesty.

1. The Most Beneficent (Allah) Istawa (rose over) the (Mighty) Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty).” [Taa Haa 20:]

Here is clear proof that Allaah is Istiwaa Above His ‘Ursh, in a manner that suits His Majesty.

2. Allaah, the Most High, Describes the Creation of creation many times in the Quraan:

Indeed your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in Six Days, and then He Istawa(rose over) the Throne (really in a manner that suits His Majesty)” [al-‘Araaf 7:54]

The same message is repeated in Surah Yoonus (10:3), ar-R’ad (13:2), al-Furqaan (25:59), as-Sajdah (32:4) and al-Hadeed (57:4)

3.Allah said: "O 'Iesa (Jesus)! I will take you and raise you to Myself.” [aal ‘Imraan 3:55]

 All Muslims believe that ‘Esaa (Peace be upon him) was lifted to Allaah and will come down towards the end of time.

4. Being in a lower place is a deficiency and not praise:

Verily, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of the Fire; no helper will you find for them.” [an-Nisaa 4:145]

In fact, there Aare many proofs from the Quraan but perhaps the above are sufficient.

Refutation for The Jahmiyyah Who Say Allaah is Everywhere
-Allaah, the Most High, Created the creation outside of Himself. So if we were to believe Allaah is everywhere, it would mean that the creation was created within Himself. It would also mean that Ibless, the hellfire, the Shirk that people do, and all sins and things that are abhorrent happen within Allaah – may Allaah Protect us from such beliefs.

-Either Allaah is inside or outside of His Creation, so if we say He is everywhere then where was He when He Created the creation?

-The creation cannot be a part of Allaah, as Allaah is Greater than the whole creation put together.

-Allaah is pure and He cannot be mixed with impure substance. Believing Allaah is everywhere would necessitate such an idea.

-The idea of Wahdah al-Wujood (that Allaah is everything) and Hulool (that Allaah can become one with His Creation or a person from His Creation) is an innovated belief. It wasn’t even present at the time of the author of this book, Imaam Ahmad (3rd century after Hijrah). In fact, Imaam Ahmad uses the argument of Wahdah al-Wujood being something impossible and inconceivable for anyone to believe in in refuting the Jahmees.

-Ahl as-Sunnah don’t believe that Allaah is mixed with His Creation. There is a difference between the Creator and creation. The ‘Ursh is the most upper part of His Creation and is known as the “roof of creation”. Therefore, Allaah being Above His ‘Ursh means He is separate from His Creation and not limited or bound by time or space (creation). The Jahmees fail to understand this, they use their intellect (‘Aql) to try to understand the texts, however there are numerable narrations (Mutawaatir) which affirm the Ascension of Allaah above His ‘Ursh. They are also guilty of making an analogy between the creator and creation when in limiting Allaah.

Linguistic Argument

In the Arabic language, the proposition in (في) and on (على) can be used interchangeably. For example:

“(Fir’awn said) I will surely crucify you on (في) the trunks of date-palms” [Taa Haa 20:71]

Also, if the prepositions in (في), on (على), to (الى) are used with the word ascension (استوى) then it can only mean above.

The Difference Between ‘Uluww (Highness) and Istiwaa (Ascension)

Istiwaa is specific, thus He is Istiwaa over the ‘Ursh.

As for ‘Uluww then this is broader:
-He is ‘Uluww over all creation, physically above.
-He is ‘Uluww in His Status, as He is the Most High, the Greatest.
-He is ‘Uluww in His Power, as nothing can overpower Him

So the name of Allaah, al-‘Alee, has these three meanings, thus proving also that Allaah is above His Creation in a manner that suits His Majesty.

Next Post: the “Withness” (Ma’eeyah) of Allaah


  1. Brother excellent article !! I had read many books and articles on it and this article is one of the best ! May Allah bless you with beneficial knowledge .

  2. I really appreciate your feedback, Akhi. May Allaah Preserve Shaykh Sa'd, have Mercy on Imaam Ahmad and that we keep benefiting from the scholars.
