
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Chapter 35: Virtues of Ramadhaan and Fasting [Part 2]

Haafidh Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee (d.795) [May Allaah have Mercy on him] says in his book Lataa'if al-Ma'aarif (Pg. 114-120)

“He leaves following his desires, food, drink all because of Me…”
[Narrated by Bukhaari (1894) and Muslim (1151)]

Some of the Salaf would say in relation to this, ‘Good news to the one who gives up following his desires in publicly and when he is in private, when no one can see him.’ This is because the believer who is fasting seeks to please his Lord, so he gives up following his desires and gives preference to Pleasing Allaah, His Master, above his whims due to his Eemaan in Allaah and his attempt to get close to Him. 

So the reward is greater when one leaves off following his whims in desires when he is alone, only seeking to Please his Lord, rather the believer dislikes it just as he dislikes being physically harmed if he was alone. 

Therefore, the believers have the attitude that even if they were beaten and forced to eat during the daytime in Ramadhaan, then would not comply, they would continue their fast, and this is a sign of their Eeman. 

Likewise, the believer hates for his desires and whims to get the better of him, especially with the fact that Allaah Knows their intent and that He would be Angry if they followed their desires and disobeyed their Master. So if we apply this rule; that the fasting person abstains from food, drink or intercourse then it will be even more so for the believer to stop himself from sinning and everything that Angers His Lord, in every time and every place.
So if the Eemaan of the believer is strengthened and made firm, sinning and Angering his Lord will become despicable to believer well, even more so than if he was beaten or fought against. For this reason, the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] has informed us that the sign for one tasting the sweetness of Eeman is when he hates to return to sinning and Kufr after Allaah has freed him and guided him away from it. Added to this, Yoosuf [Peace be Upon him] said:
O my Lord! Prison is more to my liking than that to which they invite me
[Yoosuf 12:33]
It was asked to Dhunn Noon al-Misree, “When will I truly love Allaah?” He replied by saying, “When what Allaah dislikes for us to do is met with patience with yourself.” 

And another person added, “It cannot be, that you love something which is hated by the one you love.” 

Most people transcend the path of life without truly experiencing true Eemaan or what it entails; therefore most people would leave acts of obedience, in this case fasting, with the slightest bit of harm. From their ignorance, they feel that staying away from sins will complete their Eeeman, so abstaining from sins like fornication/adultery, killing people, drinking alcohol etc. rather it is more than that, Eemaan is to make yourself patient from abstaining and removing all that causes the Anger and Displeasure of Allaah from yourself.  So programming yourself to seek the Pleasure of Allaah is from the sweetness of Eemaan.

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