may be summarised as the following:
1 -If
we affirm Speech for Allaah or Talking as an Attribute, then this necessitates He has a head and a body etc. thus likening him to the creation. This is the view of the Jahmiyyah.
2 –Allaah
is not the same as His Attributes, thus we must make Ta’weel (an alternative interpretation) to all the evidences that suggests that Allaah Speaks or the
Quraan is the Word of Allaah. This is the view of the Mu'tazilah and the later Jahmiyyah.
3 -We
cannot affirm the Attribute of speech or talking for Allaah, because our
intellects cant perceive that Allaah Speaks with language and a voice. This is the view of the philosophers.
4- The
view of the Kullaabiyyah, Asharees and Mataroodees is that they balance the affirmation found
in the text and the arguments above to coin a new belief called Kalaam Nafsee.
Meaning Allaah Talks but within Himself, thus avoiding any of the negative
presumptions above.
Response by Ahl as-Sunnah to:
The False
Idea That Affirming Speech Necessitates A Body for Allaah:
in reality is Tashbeeh (resembling Allaah to the creation). The very thing they
are trying to get away from, they have fallen into!
if they claim that the Speaking of Allaah must be like the speaking of the creation,
then they have likened Him to His Creation, the very thing they are trying to
as-Sunnah affirm that Allaah Speaks in a manner that suits His Majesty and Glory,
without asking how or making a comparison to the creation.
fact, negating Allaah of Speech or the ability to Talk is a deficiency and not perfection
for Him, the Glorified.
[Peace be upon him] said to the idols in rebuke:
“"What is the matter with you that
you speak not?"” [37:92]
Aayah is clear that Ability to communicate is a sign of perfection for Allaah,
the Most High.
Allaah, the Most High, rebuked the Mushriks of Makkah for not believing in
Allaah and His Speech, rather they claimed it to be something created or
fabricated. Waleed bin Mughayrah said:
is nothing but the word of a human being!” [74:25]Thus he turned an Attribute of Allaah to something created, so Allaah told us about the punishment for Waleed:
“Leave Me Alone (to deal) with whom I
created Alone!”
To the
“I will cast him into Hell-fire” [74:11-25]
matters of the unseen cannot be understood in this world. Allaah, the Most
High, describes the rewards of Jannah and the punishment of the Fire, however
we cannot perceive this. If this is the creation that cannot be perceived then
how about the Creator of All Creation? In fact, even inanimate objects (such as
our bodies, skin the earth) will be made to talk on the Day of Judgment:
“This Day, We shall seal up their
mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their legs will bear witness to
what they used to earn.” [Yaasin 36:65]
“That Day it (the earth) will declare
its information (about all what happened over it of good or evil).” [as-Zalzalah 99:4]
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