
Monday, November 30, 2015

Mu'tazilee Doubt: Language and Words are Created

The Mut’azilah, who support the theory of Ta’weel as well believing that ration is the primary source of gaining understanding from the text, counter argue by claiming that words and language is created. Therefore Ta’weel of the Aayat posted previously affirming Speech for Allaah must be interpreted (Ta’weel) as being a form of honour for the Quraan, similar to when Allaah Says “My House” or “My Slaves”.

Response from Ahl as-Sunnah:

All words in the Arabic language are taken in their literal form (Haqeeqee) and are not taken to mean something metaphorical (Majaaz).  This is a linguistic response. However, types of possessive has already preceded and that would be another area in which there erred.

A second linguistic rule which refutes this idea is that when a verb has an intensifier with it, then it cannot be metaphorical.

For example, Allaah, the Most High,  Says:

and to Musa (Moses) Allah spoke directly.” [an-Nisaa 4:164]

In this Aayah the verb Spoke ((كلم)) is intensified by ((تكليما))

Thirdly, another grammatical rule is that if a verb is attributed ((مفعول مطلق منصوب)) to the one who doing the action ((فاعل)) then it can only be understood in its literal sense and not a metaphor. [TN: for example Saaleh delivered the lecture. Saaleh cannot be a metaphor someone/thing else]

Fourthly, something Mutwaatir cannot be rejected or specified by the intellect or ration. Also, if we restrict our understanding of the texts by using ration or intellect then the intellect can never be a benchmark to understanding the religion, especially in matters of the unseen. Who’s intellect do we go by? What defines intellect? etc.

Fifthly, Allaah is a physical Entity and He has an Essence. If we say Allaah is not an Entity, like the Mu’tazilah believe, then it would necessitate that He doesn’t exist and has no attributes – may Allaah Protect us from such beliefs.

This is because if an entity is not an entity then it doesn’t exist.

In response to this, the Mu’tazilah use the Aayah:

Has there not been over man a period of time, when he was nothing to be (Shay) mentioned?” [al-Insaan 76:1]

The point: in this Aayah Allaah describes humans as being an entity (Shay) before they were even created.

Therefore, it is possible that Allaah exists without having an entity.

Response: if something doesn’t exist, then there is no entity. The Quraan tells us this when refuting atheists as well as ration, something can’t exist without being a physical entity.

As for the Aayah in Surah al-Insaan, then it the word “to be” (shay) refers to existence of the creation not the creator. Meaning, Allaah Knew about the creation before it existed, thus it was a thing for Him but not for us. 

Next post on discussing the theory of Kalaam Nafsee

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