
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Who is Shaykh Saaleh bin Ghaanem as-Sadlaan؟

Saaleh bin Ghaanem as-Sadlaan [May Allaah Preserve him and Give him a cure] is a well-known scholar, he was the head of the Faculty of Fiqh, at the College of Sharee’ah in Riyaadh (at Imaam Muhammad bin Sa'ood University). 

He is from our noble scholars. Allaah has Given him honour, status and a love for doing good and benefitting the people.

He has lofty characteristics. A person heavily involved in Da’wah. He has endeavours in noble charitable causes also.

He is a Faqeeh (an expert in Fiqh), a Haafidh (proficiently memorized texts) and an Usoolee (well-grounded in the Principles of Sharee’ah).

He delivers lessons daily. He is famous for his humility and sound heart.

He loves the Sunnah and its people. He is a supporter for Tawheed and at war with Shirk.

May Allaah Increase him in Honour and Assistance.

صالح بن غانم السدلان - العالم المعروف ورئيس قسم الفقه بكلية الشريعة بالرياض وهو من شيوخنا الفضلاء، جمع الله له من الجاه والمنزلة وحب الخير ونفع الناس، وله صفات حميدة، وصاحب نشاط دعوي، وجهد فاضل خيري، وهو فقيه حافظ أصولي، وله دروس يومية، معروف بتواضعه وسلامة صدره، محب للسنة وأهلها، وناصر للتوحيد، محارب للشرك - زاده الله عزا وتوفيقا -. 

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