
Monday, April 08, 2019

Chapter: Knowing about the seeing (Pt. 2)

Abu Huraira reported:
The people said to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): Messenger of Allah I shall we see our Lord on the Day of Resurrection?
Linguistic benefits
-both تضامون and تضارون have been narrated meaning, "difficulty" and "hardship", both wordings instill certainty and reinforce seeing Allah in the Hereafter.
-Taghoot is anything worshipped or obeyed besides Allaah. It roots from Tagha which is transgress. 
-Nawawi denies the coming of Allaah (on the Day of Judgement) and makes Ta'weel into the command coming or the viewing of Allaah starting, he uses Majaaz (that the Ayat are metaphorical) and semantics but says before this that he only makes Ta'weel in order to be safer whilst trying to conform to the Madhab of the Salaf
-Qaadhee also makes Ta'weel and says the coming of Allaah means the coming of Angels.
Nawawi says a possible meaning in the context also that an image of Allaah will come and it will be a test, after testing them to follow false gods to the fire.

TN: but as Ibn Taymiyyah said, those who make Tafweed always make Tashbeeh before making Tafweed, and his is a perfect example.

Both of these mean that they did both Tafweed al-Mana (i.e. affirmed the wording but said didn't know what the word means).

-Nawawi also makes Ta'weel of laughing to mean pleasure of Allaah 
-When they will be asked to follow false gods they will say we seek refuge in Allaah. 

Benefits to be continued...

Sharh Sahih Muslim, 3/22-39

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