
Thursday, July 05, 2018

Fadl al-Ilm as-Salaf ala Ilm Mun Khalaf (Pt.7): What is Beneficial Knowledge?

-We know a person is blessed and knowledgeable when he doesn’t spend his time debating and chasing people’s mistakes. Rather he has Fiqh and ‘Amal (righteous actions).
-Beneficial knowledge is to understand the religion, Aqeedah, Tafsir and Fiqh, with the Fiqh and Kalam of the Salaf.

-Ibn Rajab said from the dangers of knowledge is to leave Qiyas in Furoo (peripheral areas), but to use it also use it in Usool (fundamental areas). For example, Ibn Hazm rejected Qiyaas in Furoo but used it in Usool.

-One cannot benefit from the religion if his manners aren’t exemplary, likewise a person who has innovations but good manners hasn’t benefited from the religion.

-Beneficial knowledge has two fruits: 1) knowing Aqeedah properly and acting upon it in his eternal and external acts of worship, and 2) knowing what Allaah Loves and Hates.

-The one with knowledge has fear of Allaah in his manners and statements and actions, thus shows modesty and humility.

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