
Thursday, May 04, 2017

Removing Impurities: Impurities from Dogs and Swine (Part 3)

-When washing impurities from dogs and pigs, they must be washed seven times and once with earth. 

Al-‘Uthaymeen says the evidence for this includes:

-The Hadeeth of Aboo Huryrah, “If a dog licks one of your utensils, then wash it seven times, once with earth.” [al-Bukhaari (172) and Muslim (279)]

In another narration, “The first time with earth.” [al-Bazzaar and classed as Saheeh by al-Haythami in al-Majma’ (1/278), and Ibn Hajar as Hasan in at-Talkhees (35)]

Al-Uthaymeen says the second narration is more specific than the first one.

-For this reason, starting with earth is preferable.

-Also making earth the first substance then washing with water after it lessens the impurity

-if earth is left to the end, then an additional eight washing would need to be added. If earth is delayed then there will be washing of water without any earth touching it.  

A - Dog refers to all kinds of dogs, whether they be impermissible ones or permissible ones such as guard and hunting dogs.

B - The impurities of the dog and the ruling above applies to everything that comes from it, such as saliva, urine, defecation, sweat etc., because of the generality of the wording (ولغ).
The Dhahirees say that the ruling is connected to saliva alone, even if something effect is Najis from the dog.

The majority stated that the ruling is famously connected to saliva, however, if something is even more impure then the ruling is even more appropriately binding upon it.
Also, the Prophet referred to saliva as this is what is commonly inserted into vessels from dogs, however the understanding is that it’s not specific to saliva alone.

PRINCIPLE: Al-‘Uthaymeen states, if there is a difference of opinion and by following what is safer will take him out of the difference, then he should do so.

An example is this, no one will rebuke a person for washing other than saliva seven times, once with earth. However, if the fails to do this, there will be a party of scholars (the majority in this case) that will fault him.

C – the Hanbalees applied the rulings connected to dogs to pigs.

Al-Uthaymeen states that Qiyaas incorrect, as there is no evidence to make this analogy.
So the correct opinion is to remove impurities from pig as one would do normally with other impurities. 

ash-Sharh al-Mumti' 1/415-418

And Allaah Knows Best

Posts from this tag will continue after Ramadhaan, إن شاء الله


  1. Salam 'alaykum brother, I would like to ask you a question about tahara, since I do not know arabic and do not have access to the scholars like you are, may Allah reward you for your help: Is niyya a precondition for the validity of istinja' and the removal fo impurity from the rest of the body and the clothes, according to the madhhab of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal?

    1. وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      Niyyah or intention is not a condition to removing impurities, this is the view of the majority.

      As for what's mentioned in the article, then they differed as to the amount of washing of its method when trying to remove some or all impurities. They all agreed that sometimes there needs to be a particular number (such as washing dog saliva) but differed on its application to other impurities (such as applying it to pigs).

      Hope this helps,

