
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Kitaab al-Emaan: Definition of al-Emaan (Part 2)

Imaam an-Nawawi takes the position of the Ijmaa of Ahl as-Sunnah when it comes to defining Emaan. He quotes al-Khattaabi and al-Baghawee who states that al-Emaan isn’t belief or statement or action alone, rather al-Emaan is all of those things.

He also quotes al-Asbhaani ash-Shaafi’ee in defining al-Emaan which is an accordance with Ahl as-Sunnah: it is belief, statement and action and it increases and decreases.

[TN: However, al-Asbahaani states that Emaan cannot be divided and this is incorrect as is the view of the Mu’tazilah and the Khwaarij who state that either you have al-Emaan or you don’t ].

Nawawi indicates the correct opinion is that of Ahl as-Sunnah which is that Emaan can be divided; into belief, speech and action and it can increase and decrease and quotes Malik in this shortly after.

He quotes Ibn Battaal in correctly defining al-Emaan also. Ibn Battal also highlights there being a difference between Mutlaq al-Emaan and Emaan al-Mutlaq when it comes to the pious and sinners – the belief of Ahl as-Sunnah, Emaan cannot be taken away unless if one has evidence for it being a nullifier.

Ibn Battal also highlights the fact that all parts of Emaan must be together, so if a person does righteous deeds but doesn’t believe in them, for example, this is not Emaan and thus not a believer. Ibn Battal also refutes the Mutji’ah and the Karaamiyyah in relation to this. 

[al-Minhaaj Sharh Saheeh Muslim bin al-Hajjaaj (1/213-220)]

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