
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Questions 56

Questions asked to Shaykh Saleh ibn Ghunam as-Sadlaan [May Allaah preserve him] in his house after Salaat al-Jumu‘ah, ar-Riyadh

27/5/1435 – 28/3/2014

Question: Certain injections in the west have pig ingredients in them, is it permissible to use them?

Answer: This is not permissible, the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] said, “Seek medicine and do not use what is Haraam” and pig and swine are Haraam. Every aspect of these animals is Haraam (skin, meat, bones etc.). So it is not permissible for the Muslim to use pig, in eating or treatment or any other matter.

Question: I am mother who is busy with chores and children, how can I split my day in order to seek some knowledge?

Answer: It depends on her situation. If she is able to balance studying whilst not harming her children, then she should do this by splitting her day in an appropriate manner. 

We can’t say to her leave your children for six or seven hours a day and go and seek knowledge, that’s a lot. There will be times that her children will be away from her, however, they may go to school or study elsewhere or have a nap, this would be her appropriate. 

She must try her best to be balanced with her responsibilities towards her children, feed them, change their clothes, attend to their needs, teach them, play with them, make them laugh and to stop them from crying and getting unwell etc. this all takes priority and once she has fulfilled her obligations, if she has a chance to seek knowledge, she should do so.

Question: What is the correct opinion of the maximum period of Nifaas (post-natal bleeding)?

Answer: There is no set period (minimum nor maximum), every woman knows herself. However, what is commonly known is that it doesn’t exceed sixty or seventy days and the average is forty days. It could be possible that she stops after ten days or shorter or longer, but she knows herself. Once the bleeding stops, then she bathes and begins to fast and pray again.

Questioner: Allaah Reward you with good, didn’t the scholars agree on forty days being the maximum period (i.e. even if bleeding continues she bathes and resumes prayer and fasting)?

Shaykh Saaleh: No, this is the correct opinion. It could be seventy but forty is common but not the maximum. As long as she is bleeding then this is Nifaas.

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