
Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Chapter of Ghusl: Its Causes and Description - Reversion to al-Islaam (Cause No.5)

5-Ghusl is Waajib if a person reverts to al-Islaam. Ibn al-Uthaymeen explains this ruling applies to the Kaafir who becomes a Muslim or an apostate that repents and comes back into al-Islaam.

The evidence for this ruling is as follows:

-          The Hadeeth of Qays bin ‘Aasim [may Allaah be Pleased with him] that when he became Muslim, the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] commanded him to make Ghusl with water mixed with Sidr (lotus leaves) [Reported by Ahmaad (5/61), Aboo Dawood (355), an-Nasaa’ee (188), at-Tirmidhee (605) and others. It was classed as Hasan by at-Tirmidhee and Saheeh by Ibn Khuzaymah (255) abd Ibn Hibbaan (1240)].

The point here is that the Prophet commanded him with something and the origin of all commands is that it becomes an obligation to carry it out, thus being Waajib. This is the opinion of Maalik and Ahmad.

-          Once the heart has been purified from Shirk and Kufr, likewise the body needs to be purified through Ghusl.

Others stated, the Hanafis  and the Shafi’ees, are the view is it Mustahab for the revert to make Ghusl. They quoted as evidence:

-          Throughout the life of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] many people became Muslim and had it is been an obligation he would have commanded them all.

-          The Prophet said about the Day of Jumu’ah, “Whoever comes to the Jumu’ah prayer must make Ghusl beforehand” [al-Bukhaaree (877) and Muslim (844)], thus making it an individual obligation upon all attendees. Had it been an individual obligation for all reverts, then it would have been explicit.

Others from the scholars stated that it is only an obligation if there is a reason, such as the Kaafir becoming a Muslim whilst in the state of Janaabah. Otherwise, it would be Mustahab.

Others stated it is not obligatory even if he became Muslim whilst in the state of Janaabah,  because he is excused for being in such a state during his time in Kufr.

Uthaymeen states that the correct opinion is that it is Waajib because the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] commanding one from the Ummah is like he commanded us all. Also, just because it is not narrated that others didn’t perform Ghusl it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. So the view that it is Waajib seems closer and is safer.

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