
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Summary of the Perfection of Islam with Examples of its Advantageous Merits by as-Sa'di


A Summary of the Perfection of Islam


Examples of its Advantageous Merits

Shaykh Abdur-Rahman bin Naasir as-Sa’di
(Allah have Mercy on him)


-Islam means “To submit” 

-It establishes certainty in the presence of a deity, that deserves to be worshipped alone and that He is described with perfection through His Names and Attributes

-After this, belief that all favours – religious or worldly – are from Allah is instilled, and He alone is thanked for them

-With this belief, the heart then is filled with awe for this deity and the servant seeks to worship and thank him by following the Message sent through His Messenger (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him)

-This creates perfection for the servant in his statements and actions and beliefs, the more he follow him (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him)

This is the general description of what Islam actually is.


The Prophets (Peace be upon them all)

-It is the religion of all of them, all sent with the very same message

-Each one of them brought truth to mankind but none was preserved

-Until Allah sent the final Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) with a book that will never be corrupted


The Religion

-Allah favoured his followers with a religion, the most perfect of that has ever been given

-They believe in the last one, which means, unlike other nations - they believe in all of them

-The believers accepted His Messenger because of the proof that he came with, the betterment they found in his call and how it comes to spread justice and beauty amongst Allah’s creation

-Therefore, there is nothing that has ever been revealed in good except that this final message has it, and anything that has ever been bad has also been included. A refined message.



-The greatest message of the religion that he came with (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) was to have sincerity to Allah, thus making all of his actions – internally and externally – in the pursuit of seeking His Pleasure

-Such a belief has its benefits, from them:

a-knowing the purpose of his existence

b-knowing the rights of his Creator

c-knowing the rights of the creation

d-knowing that whatever happens in life is part of this purpose, thus all good or bad is Decreed by Him

e-stopping Shirk and all vices towards it



-His religion also came with commandments that the followers must stick to

-These have been ordained in order for them to attain betterment in his religion and benefitting in his Dunya and Akhirah

-The religion is split into obligatory and recommended actions

-But they also have prohibitions that they must avoid, but if one errs or have shortcomings – repentance is mandated to seek to have that sin overlooked

-Thus, following the legislations of this religion is proof that this religion is the religion of truth, not only because of its comprehensiveness but also because of the betterment it brings

-It carries no shortcoming nor any contradictions within it. All harm is repelled and whoever truly follows it will have his mind, body, manners and faith preserved



-As part of his message (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), he also came with information that none other could have told, except through revelation

-The information he gave us is twofold: a) that which we can perceive, these are typically stories of the nations that came before

-And information of the b) supernatural, something our senses would never had perceived otherwise

-Man attests to his own limitations and ignorance, therefore Allah (the Most High) sending us a Messenger with a message which not help us in our faith, but teaches us about who we are ourselves, our natural urges with a message that appeals to our intellect and reason – makes prefect sense and is from the pinnacle from the proof of his truthfulness

-However, his enemies rejected and claimed that they knew better. They even tried to prove him wrong. Still, all of their attempts have been in vain. They have been exposed for either the ignorance which supports their call or that their rejected was purely based on their lusts and desires

-They failed to take heed, so their misguidance was ever more emphasised when corruption filled the lands, as a consequence of their rejection


Private Matters

-The perfection of his call (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) is also exemplified in the character that his followers are called to have in their domestic relationships

-He demanded that justice be instilled and upheld

-The religion even classed some injustices as being criminal, and not only connected sin to those offences but also made them subject to illegality and criminal proceedings



-His call (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) is perfect in the way it encourages our lifestyle choices

-Food, clothing, marriage are all examples of those things left open for us to enjoy and explore. But it comes with a caution – anything which is Kabeeth will be prohibited



-Allah (the Most High) has sent Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) with guidance and the correct religion

-Anything which is good and beneficial is found within it, either in practice itself or for the effects it brings

-The relationship that Muslims have with this call with them determine the success that they are granted with it. If they upright and steadfast, their affairs too will be upright and steadfast

-This is proof in itself for the truthfulness of the call, that true people are needed in order for to prosper [and that it is not just given to anyone, unconditionally]

-If you want to know more, then go back to something which is a miracle and a proof for the truthfulness of this message in and of itself – the Quran

-Its messages are clear, its call is consistent, its knowledge of the unseen cannot be created – it is free from contradictions. Reading it gives the reader knowledge into a religion and a way of life which he would not have known from before.

-This is the religion of Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) which is the religion of truth; in belief, practice and the liberation is brings with it

Allah Knows best

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