
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Notes from Good Manners by Imam as-Sa'di

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Notes from 

Good Manners 


Imam as-Sa'di

Based on commentary by 

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham at-Tahiri 

Allah Preserve him

1-Good manners is only attained after hard work - it doesn’t fall in your lap

2-From the virtues of having good manners, it’s something that Allah loves. In it is the preservation of the Fitrah and the way of people of Jannah whilst still on earth.

3-The one who has it is following the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) and all of the Prophets (Peace be upon them all) that came before. Therefore, he is siding with good over evil.

4-You will not please the creation, but you can please the Creator. If you please the Creator, the creation will benefit and as a result will pleased with you anyway.

5-The one with good manners finds it easier to do good deeds. This is because good manners brings about clarity and a calmness.

6-It gives morals and prevents anything bad coming from the person.

7-It removes a bad response towards people but it actually gives the opposite. For example, if a person insults him - he will be prevented in reciprocating the harm but his goodly response will at very least show the one without bad manners on how to actually behave.

8-They are not concerned with things that don't benefit them - they are have more maturity than that.

9-They are the people of Tawbah, the people of change and development. The one with good manners knows he himself needs to strive (Mujahadah). The person who is content will not think there is an illness, this is self-praise and defies humility and proper character.

10-They have higher aspirations - they want Jannah and are not set back by worldly difficulties. The people of the Dunya make their manners for the Dunya alone. 

11-When a person lives in bad manners, he continues in his Dunya in this state. Meaning, this Dunya becomes his objective so he leaves good manners for the Akhirah. Yet, in his own bad manners he remains punishing himself on a daily basis until he leaves it.

And Allah Knows best.

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