The Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah
be Upon him] named this the Month of Allaah, that the month has been directly
connected in its name to the name of Allaah. This is an indication of its
virtue and honour, because Allaah, the Most High, Will not Attribute anything to Himself from the creation except if
it is something special from His Creation.
Just like the Prophets Muhammad,
Ibraaheem, Ishaaq, Ya’qoob and others from the Prophets that have been attributed
directly to Allaah as He Has Described them as being His Slaves [Peace and Blessings
of Allaah be upon them all]. He also Attributed to Himself , His House (i.e the Ka'bah and the rest of the Masaajid), so if this month is connected to the name of Allaah, the Most High,
is shows its virtue and status.
Likewise fasting, from the righteous deeds
one may do, has been directly attributed to Allaah, the Most High. So this
shows the virtue and enhances encouragement during this month to fast a great
deal, because this month as well as fasting, both have been attributed to Him.
Additionally, the fact that this month has
been attributed to Allaah, the Most High, shows its sacredness and that none
is able to take this away from this month, unlike what the people of
Jaahiliyyah used to do. They would change the dates or bring forward the month
of Safar (i.e. the next month) in order to suit their needs (T.N: to complete
the battles they were engaged in and the likes. So that they would give up their sins when it suited them and didn't honour what Allaah Has Honoured).
Many from the Salaf hastened to fast a
great deal during this month. It is narrated that ‘Umar, Aboo Talhah, A’aishah
and others from the Companions fasted a great deal [May Allaah be Pleased with
them all]. There are others from the Salaf who were narrated to entirely fast
the months of al-Haram [Dhu al-Qa’dah, Dhu al-Hijjah, al-Muharram and Rajab],
such as Ibn ‘Umar, Hasan al-Basree and others.
Some of the Salaf would delay their lunch
in order to eat it until evening, so that they were included with those who
were fasting.
Some of the Salaf are narrated to fast a
great deal (in general and not exclusive to this month) and that they narrated
that they saw in their dreams that they had entered al-Jannah.
This Dunya, all of the time within it, is
the month of fasting for those who have at-Taqwaa. The time when they break
their fast is when they meet their lord, this is their Day of ‘Eid. So because
they honoured each day with the worship of fasting, their lives had passed and
their ‘Eid is brought near.
Some of the Salaf fasted for forty years
and no one (including their families) knew of it. Some of them would go and buy
bread from different shops and they would walk towards the market and distribute the
bread whilst on their way, this is so that the people would think that they had
eaten the bread for themselves.
How many from the righteous hid their
righteous deeds and as a result, sincerity and honesty was increased in them?
There is not a person who hides his good deeds except that Allaah Will make it
apparent for him (i.e. on the Day of Judgement).
The scent of the mouth of the fasting
person is more beloved to Allaah than the scent of musk, so whenever one
hastens to hide his good deeds, his soul will be effected by this pleasant
smell. It may even be that when the souls are caused to be gathered on the Day
of Judgement, this persons soul will come with a pleasant smell.
So when they prepared the burial for the
companion ‘Abdullah bin Ghaaleb [May Allaah be Pleased with him], they could
smell musk emanating from earth in the grave they had dug for him. It is
narrated that one of the Salaf saw him in their dream so they asked him, “What
was that smell that we smelt before we buried you?” He replied, “That was the
smell of recitation and thirst”.
This is accordance to the Hadeeth, “Those who
used to fast will be resurrected from their graves with the scent of the
fasting person. Their mouths will be scented with the scent of musk”.
from Lataa’if al-Ma’aarif (Pg. 25-29) by Imaam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee (795
H) [May Allaah have Mercy on him]
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