
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Questions 25

Questions asked to Shaykh Sa'd bin Naasir bin Abdul-Azeez ash-Shithree [May Allaah Preserve him] after explanation of Kitaab at-Tawheed and Kitaab al-Hajj from Madaarij as-Saalikeen
1/4/1433 – 23/2/2012

Question: How do the astronomers determine the start of a new month?
Answer: The astronomers have differed on how to start the new month. Some of them have stated that the month starts with the new moon; others said we can only know for certain until after fifteen hours and forty minutes after the new moon. Likewise, they differed in opinions as to the age of the moon. Some of them said that the moon must have ten degrees difference between it and the sun them and others didn’t set this condition. Likewise they differed on the time we must wait to see the new moon after the sun has set. Some said we must wait for half an hour and others said more and others said less. All of this doesn’t have any evidence in the religion and we can’t rely on this. I will give you an example; sometimes people try to view the moon and they don’t see it. So these conditions set by the astronomers don’t have any weight, as the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] said, “If the sky is cloudy then complete thirty days of Sha’baan.”

Question: Is it permissible for us to predict the weather by looking at the clouds, does this fall into the prohibition of relying on the stars?

Answer: No this isn’t part of relying on the start, as the person who forecasts the weather does it by looking and predicting based on the clouds that he sees. Also this is a prediction, if he says that t will definitely rain then this is a mistake.

Question: Is it permissible for us to attribute rain to seasons?
Answer: This is wrong, for example a person says it only rains in autumn, we say this is wrong and it is attributing a lie to Allaah. Also, this contradicts the reality, as sometimes it rains in one month more than another, there is no fixed cycle.

Question: Is it permissible that it rains more in one season than another?
Answer: If one says it rains more in a particular time or it is more likely that it will rain then this is permissible but if one says that it rains in one particular time then this is a mistake.

Question: The Ayaah,Ina safa wa marwah , do we say this only at Safaa?
Answer: Only at Safaa. The Ayah refers to both Safaa and Marwaa but it is only said at Safaa however the dua for raising on the mount applies both to Safaa and Marwah.

Question: Is kissing the black stone part of the Tawaaf or it is an independent act of worship?  
Answer: Kissing the black stone is an independent act of worship, if you do it part of your Tawaaf then this is permissible, if you have reach into it and then kiss your hands this is ok and if you make a signlalling from far, thiese are all Sunnah. But it is also narrated that the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] prayed the two Rak’aat of Tawaaf and then kissed the black stone, this shows it can be kissed on its own.

Question: Is the Talbiyyah forming a verbal intention?
Answer: intentions are all in the heart, there is no such thing as a verbal intention. AS for the Talbiyyah then this is not niyyah rather these are part of the rituals, the same applies to the Takbeer. If one says, I intend to do Hajj, then this is not legislated.

Question: What is considered as ability? Is it physical or financial ability?
Answer: The correct opinion is that once has financial ability then he has the ability to do Hajj.

Question: Is tawaaf a form of free mixing?
Answer: Mixing is when you are in a place with women that you are not Mahram for, however Tawaaf is like a route or pathway, its not a confined space. Also, the women at the tiem fo Prophet hood  would walk behind the men like they would do in Salaah, they were all gathered in one placed but the men would be ahead of the women. Also at this time, the men and women would have their own doors in the masajid, as it was narrated in Aboo Dawood.

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