
Monday, July 24, 2017

Questions 60 with Shaykh Saaleh as-Sadlan

Questions asked to Shaykh Saleh ibn Ghunam as-Sadlaan [May Allaah preserve him] in his house after Salaat al-Jumu‘ah, ar-Riyadh

8/8/1435 – 6/6/2014

Question: How do we know those who are poor and needy in giving Zakaat to them? In Egnland, we are unable to distinguish easily.

Answer: By knowing them, if a person personal knows the situation of a person. We can also know them by asking around. We can also know them if we ask people who look after them and care for their needs.

What is necessary is to follow what is apparent. Look at the person needs, their clothes, their employment, their spending needs. You could also ask the person directly or their friends, because the friends often know the plight of their friends. If you still do not find anyone then ask around so that they can point you in the right direction.

Question: Is it permissible to send Zakaat money  abroad or must I pay in the city I live in. If I don’t find anyone in my city, must I look at the surrounding areas and move outwards before I send it to another country altogether.

Answer: If you have no-one in your country or city and you know of another place that has it, then it is permitted to send it over to them. You can ask around to find them.

Question: Is it a pillar to look search ones own country before sending it abroad?

Answer: No, but it is better. He should check with the people and ask around, and work his way out.

And Allaah Knows best.

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