Shaykh Saaleh Sindee [May
Allaah Preserve him]
Teacher in the Islaamic University,
al-Madeenah an-Nabawiyyah
Lecture given at Jaami’ Imaam
Turkee, ar-Riyaadh
-False freedom is when all obligations are absolved and the
person becomes a worshipper of his own desires. They are free to choose between
revelation and the opinions of man.
-Does this free form of freedom bring happiness or is it
that their desires and intellect is restricted without foresight? So what is
the true value and benefit of this sense of freedom?
-Islaamic history tells us that if we allow freedom to
spread within our society, then we become like a sinking ship, some trying to
save it whilst others are not bothered, all being destined to doom. This is the
reality of following doubts and desires, and its implication on society, from
an individualistic level to its effect on society as a whole.
-Doubt, desire, opinions and deviance have all come about
from the idea of freedom. This has created in us imitating the immoral,
doubting what is certain, having opinions in what is dubious in thought, and in
general, corrupt beliefs which contradict the sound ‘Aqeedah.
-The door of freedom is a mirage, it seems like the door
leads to mercy and prosperity. The slogan is of resolution but its reality is
of it bringing great burden.
-'Humans that construct their own system of life' is an idea
that is refreshing that empowers them to have authority over themselves.
However, weak human intellect always changes and so do humanistic needs. At
times humans seek power, at other times they seek wealth, and other times the
motive changes, all of which contradicts divine guidance. It seems like a sweet
fresh juice but reality it is poison.
-Blameworthy freedom leads to disbelief in god. Humans become
free to leave the One Who Owns Dominion over all that exists and Commands rule
within, it to follow their own created, imperfect and feeble desires and doubt.
-As for the true form of freedom, then Islaam promotes
freedom that attaches one to the Creator and not the creation. It removes the
chains that burden from the following of desires, doubts, deviation and the
following of the blind.
-Islaamic freedom instills the rights of others and
obligates responsibility, both which is met with punishment if contradicted.
-Islaamic freedom instills accountability, reward and recompense.
Good deeds in all its forms and whatever brings betterment for mankind is Thanked
and Rewarded, but whatever causes corruption and destruction is met with
punishment and accountability.
-Islaamic freedom promotes justice with the creator and creation.
No harm to oneself or others is tolerated. Note, harm is in perspective of both
parties. This point is extremely important, as the false idea of freedom
promotes deed without recompense, or it may tolerate harm to one-self but not
towards others. Whereas the blameworthy freedom only focuses on oneself and
allows people to do as they please, even if it means harming themselves as well
as others. So which of these ways is most civilized and merciful?
-Deeds, justice and responsibility are characteristics that encompass the whole of al-Islaam. So Islaam takes deeds seriously. Transgression,
responsibility and justice are all aspects which become binding on the
aggressor. Whereas freedom, does not sympathise with the victim, rather it
sympathises with the aggressor, as he is free to do as he pleases.
Intellectuals will also recognise this issue which is problematic, whereas
Islaam has the solution. It spreads justice and prohibits oppression.
-Islaam has come to prevent chaos whilst instilling a sense
of praiseworthy freedom, as long as there is no harm to one-self or others, or
that which is of a greater benefit is sacrificed. You are free as long you do not
transgress the bounds of Allaah:
"These are the limits (set) by Allah, so approach them
[al-Baqarah 2: 187]
Or seek to follow your desires:
"And keep yourself
(O Muhammad
) patiently with those who call on their Lord (righteous deeds)
morning and afternoon, seeking His Face, and let not your eyes overlook them,
desiring the pomp and glitter of the life of the world; and obey not him whose
heart We have made heedless of Our Remembrance, one who follows his own lusts
and whose affair (deeds) has been lost."
[al-Khaf 18: 28]
You are free as long you do not seek to transgress the
rights of others:
إنَّ الله لا
يَظلمُ النَّاسَ شيئاً
ولكنَّ النَّاسَ أَنفُسَهُم
"Truly! Allah wrongs
not mankind in aught; but mankind wrong themselves."
[Yoonus 10: 44]
Conclusion, the Islaamic perception of freedom does not
permit complete freedom without repercussions; rather it limits the idea of
[Adapted Hudood al-Huriyyah al-‘Aamah wa al-Khaasah fee
ash-Sharee’ah 30-42mins]
End of Part 2
I can relate to this... :(