It says in Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah (39/269):
Issue: Wiping over the Head Scarf (for women that passes under her chin).
The Hanafees and a view from the two views of the
Hanablees are of the opinion that it is not permissible for woman to wipe over
her headscarf.
They based on this view on the narration of A’aishah [May
Allaah be Pleased with her] who wiped her head from within her clothes and she
said, “This is what the Messenger of Allaah [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be
upon him] ordered me to do.”
This is also the view of Nakah’ee, Hammaad bin Abee
Sulaymaan, Awzaa’ee, Sa’eed bin ‘Abdul-‘Azeez (from the Salaf). They argued that she is wearing the headscarf
on her head so it is not permissible for her to wipe over her headscarf because
this is a barrier so it is not sufficient to wipe over the headscarf. It is
similar to the hat worn by the man, the scholars didn't differ that he is not
permitted to wipe over it.
Ibn Qudaamah said in al-Mughnee:
We know of no difference of opinion, that it is a barrier
and there is no difficulty in her removing her headscarf (then she must remove it). However, if she is
wearing a thin headscarf a water can seep through it to her hair, then the
Hanafees permitted it in this case because the objective has been attained.
The Hanbalees are of the view (from the correct view from
their Madhab) is that it is permissible for a woman to wipe over her headscarf
as long as she it passes under her chin [known as a Khimaar]. This is because
of the narration of Umm Salamah [May Allaah be Pleased with her] who used to
wipe over her Khimaar.
It is narrated that the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of
Allaah be upon him] commanded that the Khuffayn (leather slipper or socks) and
the Khimaar be wiped over. So, as it is worn on the head and if it is difficult
for her to remove it her headscarf then she is permitted to wipe over her
headscarf. End Quote.
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