
Tuesday, August 07, 2012

He Would Stay in the Masjid in I’tikaaf

Chapter 39: Virtues of the Last Ten Days of Ramadhaan
Haafidh Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee (d.795) [May Allaah have Mercy on him] says in his book Lataa'if al-Ma'aarif (Pg. 142-149)

It is narrated in the Two Saheehs that ‘Aaishah [May Allaah be Pleased with her] said that the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] would stay in the Masjid for I’tikaaf in the last ten nights in Ramadhaan.
It is also narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare on the authority of Aboo Hurayrah [May Allaah be Pleased with him] that the Messenger of Allaah [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] would do I’tikaaf every night during the last ten nights in Ramadhaan but in the last year of his life, he stayed in I’tikaaf for twenty nights.

The reason why he [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] would stay in the Masjid for I’tikaaf is to seek Laylat al-Qadr, making sure he is not too busy for it and thus freeing himself for worship during this period. He would busy himself in Dhikr and Dua’aa. He would distance himself from people and he would mix with them lest he becomes busy with them.
For this reason, when Imaam Ahmad stayed in I’tikaaf, he would not mix with the people until he was certain that they were busy reciting or learning the Quraan.

Rather, it is better for one to seclude himself and use the time in remembering Allaah and making Dua’a to Him. This is the I’tikaaf that the Shari’ah endorses. It is for this reason that I’tikaaf is held in the Masjid, so that one doesn’t get distracted by people or anything that occurs outside of the Masjid.
Ibn ‘Abbaas [May Allaah be Pleased with him] was asked about a man who would fast during the day and he would stand during the night and he would wouldn’t pray in congregation, he replied by saying, “This man is heading to the fire. The type of seclusion that is permitted for this Ummah is that which is like I’tikaaf, it is held in the Masjid in the month of Ramadhaan, especially during the last ten nights, as this was the practice of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him]. He [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] would seclude himself with the obedience of Allaah and remembering Him, he would free himself from being busy with anything else. He would seclude himself and his heart with his Lord, seeking to get closer to Him. During this time, he had no worry or stress, his only concern was Allaah and seeking the ways that he could Please Him.”

So the real meaning of I’tikaaf is to relieve yourself from anything that includes serving the creation, getting closer to Allaah and knowing Him, gaining His Love and leaving all forms of socializing and focusing totally on Allaah, the Most High. So even have this state during the time they spend in their homes when they are alone.

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