
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

al-Jaami: He Studied Usool at-Thalatha then He Issues His Opinion on People!


You have only studied Usool at-Thalatha then you sit in the corner and issue rulings upon people, "Such and such person is a Taghoot", "Such and such person is a Jaahil", "Such and such person is an innovator", "The one who doesn't make Tabdee' is a Mubtadi' himself!" Fataawa that come out of the window and from the corners of the Masaajid and from houses from those who have still not studied anything whatsoever! Have mercy on the people. Rather, have mercy on yourselves. This is a mistake. 

-Shaykh Muhammad Amaan bin Ali al-Jaami (may Allah have Mercy on him), former teacher in the Prophet's Masjid in al-Madinah

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Bin Baz: It is Not Permitted for a Muslim to Hate Life


لا يجوز للمسلم أن يكره الحياة وييأس فيما عند الله تعالى من فرجٍ وخير، والواجب عليه أن يصبر على ما يلاقيه من أقدار الله.

فتاوى اللجنة الدائمة (25/398)

It is not permitted for a Muslim to hate life and to despair with what is with Allah (the Most High) from relief and goodness. It is obligatory upon him to be patient with what they meet from the Decrees of Allah.

Fatwaa for The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Verdicts, 25/398