
Friday, September 29, 2023

Clean Hearts and Brotherhood


عن يونس بن عبيد أنَّه أُصيب بمصيبةٍ، فقيل له: ابن عوف لم يأتك، فقال:

"إنَّا إذا وثقنَا بمودَّةِ أخينَا لم يضرّه أنْ لا يأتِينَا "

روضة العقلاء ص89



Yunus bin Ubayd (d. 140 AH - may Allah have mercy on him) was afflicted with an illness. So it was said to him, “Ibn Awf has not visited you.” 

So he said, “If we trust in the affection of our brother (towards us), it would not harm him if he doesn’t come.”


Rawdah al-Uqalaa’, Pg. 89