
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Killing of The Khaarijee, The Heretic, Usaamah bin Laden, is a Relief For The Muslims

It was asked to our Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin ibn Hamad Al-Abbaad Al-Badr [May Allaah Preserve him] about the killing of the Khwarijee and the innovator Usaamah bin Laden
Monday, 28/5/1432 H after Salaat al-Isha

Question: What is the balanced view about the killing of Usaamah bin Laden, there are some who are happy that he has been killed and other who are saying that he was a Mujaahid thus he died as a Shaheed?

Answer: How is he a Mujaahid? Actually he is a Mujaahid, a Mujaahid for the cause of Shaytaan. Usaamah bin Laden has caused great harm for the Muslims, so there is no doubt that him going is a cause of get relief for them so the people will be happy that he has gone.

TN: The Shaykh [May Allaah Preserve him, Verily He is Al-Hafeeth] is from the final few students of Allaamah Muhammad ibn Ibraheem and Muhammad Ameen Shinqeet, a student of Shaykh Abdul-Azeez ibn Baaz, and many others [May Allah have mercy on them]. He has been teaching for over 50 years and is currently one of the senior scholars alive today, residing in Madeenah al-Nabawiyyah whilst giving regular Dars in Masjid an-Nabawee.

سُئل شيخنا عبدالمحسن بن حمد العبَّاد البدر عن مقتل الخارجي أسامة بن لادن
الموافق لـيوم الأثنين 28/5/1432هـ بعد صلاة العشاء

السؤال: ما هو القول الوسط في مقتل أسامة بن لادن فهناك من فرح بمقتله,
وهناك من قال إنه كان مجاهداً وحكم له بالشهادة؟

أجاب شيخنا: كيف مجاهد؟! نعم هو مجاهد في سبيل الشيطان.
أسامة بن لادن جلب شراً عظيماً على المسلمين
ولا شك أن ذهابه فيه راحة لهم, يرتاح الناس بذهابه

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Shaykh Ibraaheem bin Muhammad al-Haqeel
[May Allaah Preserve him]
An official preacher appointed by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Saudi Arabia

All Praise is for the Lord of the Alameen and May the Peace and Blessings of Allaah be on the most noblest of Prophets and Messengers, our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his family and companions.
To Proceed;                    

Verily, Allaah, the Most High, created mankind and he has made them a test for each other. He has also made us so we social and interact with one another, working, cooperating, transacting, sitting and visiting , in general humans are made to mix with one another in most aspects of their lives. 

When we are required to mix with each other, it is understandable that there will appear mistakes and times these mistakes may reach the level of oppression, transgression, whether this is in speech or in action. The Shariah stresses the importance of giving people their due rights, the establishment of justice, to repel any form of oppression, to deter the oppressor. At the same time to encourage one to be pardoning, to be forgiving and to readily except people’s excuses, to react to immoral with morality and a way that is better. We are also encouraged to connect to those who want to cut ties with us, to react to ignorance with forbearance and leniency. If these aspects are organised properly then there will be a great reward and benefit from the Lord of the Alameen, The Glorified and Exalted.

Pardoning with Allaah

Our Lord, The Glorified and Exalted, has an attribute of Pardoning, He is Generous and He Loves Pardoning. He loves those who pardon, he raises their ranks and he gives them from the best of rewards. How many people have Allaah, The Glorified and Exalted, Pardoned from the evils that His creations do? He prevents harm from reach and averts affliction from effecting them, despite them not being thankful to him, except those whom Allaah, The Glorified and Exalted, has mercy on, and these are very few.
From the Pardoning of Allaah, The Glorified and Exalted, upon His slaves is that he accepts their repentance and he pardons their sins, as He, the Most High, says;

And it is He who accepts repentance from his servants and pardons misdeeds, and He knows what you do” [Shoora 42:25]
Also ‘Alee [May Allaah be Pleased with him] once said;

Shall I inform you about the most virtuous Ayah from the Book of Allaah, the Most High? The Messenger of Allaah [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] told me that it was;
And whatever strikes you of disaster - it is for what your hands have earned; but He pardons much” [Shoora 42:30]

And he [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him said to me, “I will explain this to you Oh ‘Alee. Whatever you are afflicted by from sickness or punishment or trials in the life of this world, then this is from what your own hands have earned. Allaah, the Most High, is Generous, as He doesn’t give you sickness or punish you or test you with these things in the Hereafter. Whatever Allaah, the Most High, pardons you from in the life of this world then Allaah, the Most High, is lenient as He will not return to it once He has Pardoned you for it.“
[Narrated by Ahmad 1/58, Haakim classified it as being Saheeh and adh-Dhahabee agreed with him 2/445]

Praise of Allaah, the Most High, for those Pardon
Allaah, the Most High, Praises His servants, those who repel their anger and pardon the people. He has made their reward to be a place in Jannah, a reward that is as vast as the heavens and earths. He also commanded the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] to be pardoning to the general people, as He, The Exalted and Glorified, said;

So by mercy from Allah , [O Muhammad], you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah . Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him].” [aal-Imraan 3:159]
In another Ayah, Allaah, The Exalted and Glorified, says;

But pardon them and overlook [their misdeeds]. Indeed, Allah loves the doers of good” [Al-Maaidah 5:13]
Abdullah ibn Zubayr [May Allaah be Pleased with him] said, “Allaah commanded His Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] to be pardoning with the people.” [Narrated by Bukhaari 4644] this is referring to the Ayah;

Be pardoning, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the ignorant” [A’raaf 7:199]
Some of the Salaf have stated about this Ayah that, ‘there is nothing in the Quraan that is more comprehensive in virtues of Akhlaaq than this Ayah.’ [Ma’aalim at-Tanzeel 1/213]

The Manner of Pardoning of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him]
It is described that the manners of Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] was the Quraan. He guided people to its Ayaat and he did what the Quraan ordered him to and he abstained from what it prohibited. He did not leave being pardoning except in cases where he was not required by Allaah, the Most High, to pardon. The Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] only got angry for the sake of Allaah, the Most High, and he never got angry for the sake of himself. This is an attribute that has been mentioned in the Tawraah as well, that the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him], ‘doesn’t repel evil with evil, rather he is pardoning and forgiving.‘ [Narrated by Bukhaari, 2125]

How many times did an ignorant person behave ignorantly with him? How many times did people transgress him? How many times was he afflicted by harm from the Muhsrikeen and the Munaafiqeen?  His reaction to all of this was to be patient with the harm that they were afflicting on him. When he became superior to them and had a chance to seek revenge he was pardoning and he forgot the pain they had caused him and he would say, “Go, for you are free” [Sunan Bayhaqee, 9/118]
This principle of his was based on the instructions he had received from the Book of Allaah, the Most High, as He had commanded him to be pardoning. This was also the way of his brothers from the Prophets [Peace be upon them all] before him. For example, Ibraaheem [Peace be upon him] said;

My Lord, indeed they have led astray many among the people. So whoever follows me - then he is of me; and whoever disobeys me - indeed, You are [yet] Forgiving and Merciful” [Ibraaheem 14:36]
Also, there was Yusuf [Peace be upon him] who was the subject of envy from his brothers and they threw him down a well. They turned him into a slave and took away his freedom and they made money from selling him, they abused him severely and took him through a great ordeal, however when Allaah, the Most High, honoured him and gave him prestige and he had the chance to seek revenge, he forgave and pardoned them;

He said, "No blame will there be upon you today. Allah will forgive you; and He is the most merciful of the merciful.” [Yoosuf 12:92]
And then there was ‘Eesa ibn Maryam [Peace be upon him], who said;

If You should punish them - indeed they are Your servants; but if You forgive them - indeed it is You who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise” [Maaidah 5:118] 
The approach of the Salaf to Pardoning

The Companions [May Allaah be Pleased with them all] and those who followed them in guidance [May Allaah have Mercy on them] would constantly pardon those who transgressed against them. They would respond in good to those who were wicked towards them. They bore patience with those who were ignorant with them. 
It has been narrated that ‘Umar [May Allaah be Pleased with him] said, “Everyone with me free to do what they wish.” [Aadaab ash-Shariyyah 1/71]

It once occurred that some money was stolen from ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ood [May Allaah be Pleased with him], so he supplicated for the thief. He said, “Oh Allaah! If this person took from me because he desperate then may You Bless him in it and if he took it because he fell into sin then make this the final sin he ever does.” [Ahyaa ‘Uloom ad-Deen 3/184]
It was also narrated that Ibraaheem an-Nakha’ee [May Allaah have Mercy on him] said about the Salaf as-Saaleh of this Ummah, “They didn’t look to scorn or dispraise people rather if they had the chance, they would pardon.” [Fath al-Baari 5/120]

The Reward for Pardoning
Pardoning is a principle only understood by the people who have certainty, those who reach the high levels of Taqwa and they are those who seek for the Hereafter and not for the life of this world. They are those who seek the reward of their Lord for this characteristic in the Hereafter;

And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation - his reward is [due] from Allah . Indeed, He does not like wrongdoers.” [Shooraa 42:40]
The reward mentioned in this Ayah has been left general; the Ayah doesn’t tell us what the reward is for those who pardon and it doesn’t inform us on the amount they will receive. Rather, the decision for the amount of reward has been left for Allaah, the Most High and whoever is in this situation, so then let him know that the reward of Allaah, the Most High, isn’t trivial. There is no need for this person to feel that he will be dealt with cheaply, verily Allaah is Bountiful [Al-Jawwaad], Generous [Al-Kareem], Pardoning [Al-Afw] and Merciful [Al-Raheem] so He will recompense you from the best of rewards.

Whatever is in the Hereafter doesn’t have a limit so the slave acquires from the Bounty of Allaah, The Glorified and Exalted. The reward comprising of being pardoned includes both the worldly life and the hereafter, in the worldly life he is pardoned of his sins whilst at the same time a reward that is preserved and awaiting him in the Hereafter.
It was narrated that Aboo Hurayrah [May Allaah be Pleased with him] said that the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] said, “Giving in charity doesn’t decrease you wealth in the slightest, and the person who pardons is not increase except in honour and there is no person who is humble for the sake of Allaah, except that Allaah will raise his rank.” [Narrated by Muslim 2588]

Who is in need for Pardoning?
All those people who accompany you, from your family and your children, are all in need of receiving pardon and mercy from you. This is because you live with them and mistakes may transpire from them regularly. Not only this, it may be that they are ignorant but Allaah, the Most High, says;

O you who have believed, indeed, among your wives and your children are enemies to you, so beware of them. But if you pardon and overlook and forgive - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” [Taghaabun  64:14]
You are at service to them, so their mistakes must be met with pardoning from you. You must be merciful when they slip. A man once came to the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] and said, “Oh Messenger of Allaah, how many times should we forgive our slaves?” So the Prophet remained silent until the man asked again and the Prophet remained silent. He asked a third time and he [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] said, “Pardon them seventy times every day.” [Narrated by Ahmad 2/111 and Aboo Dawood 5164]  

Seeking Pardon from Allaah, the Most High
It was from the guidance of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] to repeated ask Alah, the Most High, to pardon him and protect him. It has been narrated that Ibn ‘Umar [May Allaah be Pleased with him] said;

The Messenger of Allaah didn’t leave asking Allaah every day and every night;
O Allaah, I ask You for pardon and well being in this life and the next. O Allaah, I ask You for pardon and well-being in my religious and worldly affairs, and my family and my wealth

[Narrated by Aboo Dawood 5074, Ibn Maajah 3871 and it was classified Saheeh by Ibn Hibbaan 961] 
It was also from his habit to ask during the Witr prayer at the end of the night;

“Oh Allaah! I seek refuge in Your Pleasure from Your Anger and I seek refuge in Your Pardoning from Your Punishment.”
[Narrated by Aboo Dawood 1427; it was classified Saheeh by Haakim and adh-Dhahabee agreed 1/306]

So it is for the Muslim to adopt pardoning and being merciful in his manners and etiquettes. The Muslim must be one who overlooks people’s mistakes and harm done to him; he must use this when turning away from the ignorant, until it is written that he has reached the high status of those who pardon.
I ask Allaah, the Most High, to support us in ourselves and against what our desires want. I ask Allaah to Pardon and Protect us in the Dunya and the Aakhira. Oh Allaah! You are al-Afw, you love to Pardon, so Pardon us.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Lessons from the Lives of Aboo Bakr and ‘Umar [May Allaah be Pleased with them both] [Part 2]

Shaykh Saaleh bin ‘Abdullah bin Humayd [May Allaah Preserve him]
Royal Advisor to the King and Member of Committee of Senior Scholars
Seerah Khulafaa Sayyid al-Mursaleen Conference
Prince Faisal bin Fahad Masjid, Riyadh
11/11/1433 - 28/9/2012

Virtues of Aboo Bakr [May Allaah be Pleased with him]
As the hadeeth stated above shows, that in this Ummah there are levels the best of generation were the one that the Prophet was sent to, and as another Hadeeth says, “The best of generations is my generation and those after them and those after them” [Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2652); Muslim (2533)]. Therefore, we know that there are levels in the Ummah of virtue and from the most virtuous out of the virtuous of generations was Aboo Bakr as-Siddeeq [May Allaah be Pleased with him]. They are the best of people after the Prophets and the one they chose, with consensus, to take over the leadership after the Prophet was Aboo Bakr [May Allaah be Pleased with him]. He was called as-Siddeeq and was a companion of the prophet even before Prophethood. The Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] said about him, “If the Eemaan of my Ummah was placed on side of the scales and the Eemaan of Aboo Bakr on the other side, then his Eemaan would way out the rest of the Ummah” [Narrated by Bayhaqee in Shu’bah al-Eemaan (1/69); Ibn ‘Adee in Kaamil (14/201); classed as Saheeh by Al-Albaanee in Silsilah ad-Da’eefah (13/770)]. He was as-Siddeeq and this isn’t a small statement about him as The Prophet said, “Upon you is to have as-Sidq…” [Narrated by Muslim (2607)]

Therefore, being a Siddeeq can happen to anyone from this Ummah, however Aboo Bakr is known as the one from this Ummah whose Sidq no one can match. His purity in his heart, purity of the chest, purity of his soul and the purity of his himself is what is being witnessed here.
My brothers, Sidq and being pure is not a small matter. His name of as-Sideeq came about in the event of Israa’ wa al-Mi’raaj. The Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] claimed to go from Makkah to Jerusalem and then to the seventh heaven in a just a few hours, gone after ’Ishaa and back before Fajr. The Kuffaar rejoiced at this and this was a Fitnah in the time, the Kuffaar thought they now had a chance to prove that the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him]  was a liar and some of the companions were in a level of doubt as well. However the stance of Aboo Bakr as-Siddeeq was clear and firm, he affirmed the miracle and said, “This is possible because I believe in something greater than this. I believe that Jibreel comes from the seventh heaven to reveal upon him from His Lord.” This is the answer from the one who had no doubt in Islaam and the level of Eemaan of this man is yet unmatched.

It is also from the strength of his Eeman and knowledge that he remained firmed and acted upon the guidance of Islaam. For example, when the Prophet died, the companions and Madeenah was in disarray. Some went into seclusion and others were in denial, but Aboo Bakr remained firm. He said, “Whoever worships Muhammad then let him know he has passed away but whoever worships Allaah then let him know that he is alive and cannot die.” This is the strength of his Eemaan, a level of strength and Sidq that wasn’t even found in the other companions of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him], despite all of them having the pleasure of Allaah and all of them being trustworthy. He was firm and his level of knowledge and Ijtihaad was unmatched, he remained firm with those who opposed him in issues of ‘Aqeedah and fought those who refused to pay Zakaah, despite all the other companions being doubtful in such issues.
Another instance was the fact that the prophet decided to send the army of Usamah [May Allaah be Pleased with him] on an expedition to the north, however The Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] died but Aboo Bakr [May Allaah be Pleased with him]  remained firm and continued with the decision of The Prophet, despite some who opined that during the death of The Prophet, this perhaps wasn’t the best time to send out an army.

His caliphate was only for two and a half years, but in this period he set the foundations of the caliphates that came after him. He founded the religion upon firmness which helped it become apparent throughout the lands.
He was the chosen one to lead the Ummah after The Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] with consensus and he chose ‘Umar bin al-Khattab [May Allaah be Pleased with him] to take over after his death.

Virtues of ‘Umar bin al-Khattaab [May Allaah be Pleased with him]
Umar, similar to but Aboo Bakr [May Allaah be Pleased with him]  , had an amazing Seerah and life. His Eemaan, his Sidq, his life and his deeds all were something for us to be amazed by. One of the best things he did in his life was setting a Shoora. A Shoora, my brothers, is what gives the Muslims honour and strength, and there was never affair to small at the time of Umar for the Shoora to discuss. He would often sit with other around him to discuss matters and gain other peoples thoughts and opinions, therefore having a Shoora and consulting others is not a weakness, rather it is a strength. Even in the Makkan stage of Islaam, Allaah, the Most High, praised those who did Shoora:

And those who answer the Call of their Lord [i.e. to believe that He is the only One Lord (Allah), and to worship none but Him Alone], and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and who (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation, and who spend of what We have bestowed on them.” [Shoora 42:38]
My brothers; Shoora is encouraged in all our affairs, even in our households. Some think it is a sign of weakness if he asks for his wives opinion on something but this is wrong, Allaah, the Most High, says;

“…and let each of you accept the advice of the other in a just way.  [Talaaq 65:6]
The word Ma’roof in the Quraan and the Sunnah is anything good, so each spouse is encouraged to be good to the other and consult each other in their affairs.

If they both decide on weaning, by mutual consent, and after due consultation, there is no sin on them.  [Baqarah 2:233]
So having a Shoora is an important part of life and making decisions, in your house, in your studies, at work etc. all of these aspects of life need consultation and other peoples input.

And Allaah Knows Best.
May the Peace and Blessings be Upon the Messenger, His Kulafaa, His Family and all those who follow them until the Last Day.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Lessons from the Lives of Aboo Bakr and ‘Umar [May Allaah be Pleased with them both] [Part 1]

Shaykh Saaleh bin ‘Abdullah bin Humayd [May Allaah Preserve him]
Royal Advisor to the King and Member of Committee of Senior Scholars
Seerah Khulafaa Sayyid al-Mursaleen Conference
Prince Faisal bin Fahad Masjid, Riyadh
11/11/1433 - 28/9/2012

All Praises are for Allaah and may the Peace and Blessings be Upon the Messenger, His Kulafaa, His Family and all those who follow them until the Last Day.
To proceed:

If one reflects on what we have learned from this conference on the topics related to the history of Islaam, when I sat to research in order to give this lecture, I was amazed. I was amazed by the fact that this religion is preserved and one of the ways it is preserved is by the history this religion has. Allaah has protected and preserved this religion, despite the Companions [May Allaah be Pleased with them all] being overwhelmed with despair and anguish at the death of the Prophet, Aboo Bakr [May Allaah be Pleased with him] took over and in just two years, the things that Aboo Bakr [May Allaah be Pleased with him] completed and then another ten years of ‘Umar [May Allaah be Pleased with him], there were things for us to be amazed by. Therefore, this religion is protected and the lesson we learn from the lives of these two continue in all generations, their mention and stories will remain until the Last Day in order for us to learn and act upon.
So from looking at this subject we can learn that the religion has been preserved and also the history of the Muslims is also something preserved. There’s no other nation that can boast this, Allaah has sent Messengers and has given power to some nations like the Persians and the Romans or the Indians, but nothing is preserved like the history of Islaam. Further to this, within the history of Islaam we have the religion which is presented to us today, so the ‘Aqeedah, the Fiqh, the Hadeeth, the Tafseer and the other sciences of Islaam are all connected to the preserved history that Islaam has, a religion of history which is still alive. History in Islaam is not gone and done, rather the history of Islaam is still alive.

Yes, there are things that have entered into the history of Islaam which are weak and things that seem contradictory, however the core aspects of Islamic history is preserved, with thanks to Allaah.
As I have mentioned above, especially the lives of Aboo Bakr and ‘Umar bin al-Khattaab [May Allaah be Pleased with them], we have lessons which are still applicable today and will continue to be applicable, as the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] said, “Follow my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided Caliphs…” [Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, al-Sunnah, 3991. Al-Albaani said in Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawood, no. 3851, it is saheeh.]

So the Sunnah of Prophet and the Khulaafa that came after them is still alive and applicable, therefore Islamic history is very much alive. Especially the lives of these two, the events that took part from the verdicts of ‘Aqeedah, the preservation of the Quraan, the battles and some of the Ijthaad that these two derived, is still applicable today and used in our daily Islamic dealings and affairs.

Therefore the history of Islaam and the lives of these two are preserved, everything is documented and the lessons that we can learn from them is still applicable today.
What is further strange is that history is a foundation for our Ummah and it also played a part on the Da’wah of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him]. Allaah, the Most High, caused him to live amongst his people for a period of forty years and in this period he didn’t come with anything new, nothing strange, in fact he was affirmed as being a noble and trustworthy man but as soon as he called to Islaam and Prophethood he became an outcast. Allaah, the Most High, say:

Say (O Muhammad): "If Allah had so willed, I should not have recited it to you nor would He have made it known to you. Verily, I have stayed amongst you a life time before this. Have you then no sense?" [Yoonus 10:16]
So history is used as an evidence and a proof, before anything was called or acted upon, history was made as something important for us to refer to.

So ponder my brothers, Islaam has a history documented and lessons drawn from and no other nation ever can boast this, the sciences that have come from it fills libraries in which no one man can comprehend all, everything from the advent of Prophethood until now, from A-Z is documented.
Also, if we ponder on some of the Ayaat in the Quraan we can also see the relevance and the importance given to history. For example, Allaah, the Most High, says to the first generation of this Ummah:

“…and will replace you by another people, and you cannot harm Him at all…” [at-Tawbah 9:39]
Therefore, if people are replaced because of their sinning or disobedience, then history has huge part for us to reflect and pay attention to.

Furthermore, Allaah, the Most High, has Promised to preserve the ‘Dhikr’ which refers to this religion.
Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur'an) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)” [al-Hijr 15:9]

But the word Dhikr has been used in other contexts in the Quraan;
“And verily, this (the Qur'an) is indeed a Reminder for you (O Muhammad) and your people (Quraish people, or your followers), and you will be questioned (about it).” [az-Zukhruf 43:44]

Indeed, We have sent down for you (O mankind) a Book, (the Qur'an) in which there is Dhikrukum, (your Reminder or an honour for you i.e. honour for the one who follows the teaching of the Qur'an and acts on its orders). Will you not then understand?” [Anbiyaa’ 21:10]

So Dhikr is protected and because of this the whole religion is protected and from this Dhikr, Islamic history plays a pivotal part in this preservation, until the Last Day. Therefore, reflect. The religion which has its origins in place and a religion whose Dhikr or mention is protected from the very beginning must be the religion of truth. So the truth can be found in the history we have of Islaam, just like the Prophet said, “What me and my Companions are on today.” [Narrated by classed as at-Tirmidhi (2641) and classed Hasan by him; al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak with the Talkhees of adh-Dhahabee (1/128)] Therefore, their characteristics are preserved via history, for us to follow and be guided by.
The topic today is the Seerah or the biography of the Khulafaa ar-Raashideen then we must know that this is also protected and preserved. The books of history, the books of Saheeh Hadeeth, the books of Sunan, the books of Tafseer all mention their lives and the events within them, so it is protected. Their Ijtihaad and the benefit they gave to Muslims are from the most valuable lessons we can learn from them, how they bought betterment for the Muslims, rectified their situations, their approach to politics, economy, infrastructure etc. all has been documented. 

“And the first to embrace Islam of the Muhajirun (those who migrated from Makkah to Al-Madinah) and the Ansar (the citizens of Al-Madinah who helped and gave aid to the Muhajirun) and also those who followed them exactly (in Faith). Allah is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme success.” [at-Tawbah 9:100]
We have been given them as a precedence in history so that we follow, as the Aayah says, follow them in the goodness. So if we look at the history of the early generations, they spread Islam and those who followed them in goodness increased the spread of Islaam, so history is preserved for us so that we can follow and attach ourselves to the best of generations, as the Hadeeth said, “The best generation is the one I was sent it.” [Al-Sunnah by al-Khallaal (2/434)]